Marketing & Advertising

What Is Bidstream Location Data – Why Is It Inaccurate & Imprecise

What is the bidstream? The bidstream is a network of advertising requests that deliver ads to mobile devices. A bid request refers to the moment when a publisher auctions off an ad slot to an advertiser. This request delivers an ad to the device. When the ad is delivered, some information is passed back the […]

Marketing & Advertising

Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) Trends – What To Expect in 2021

OOH advertising as you know it is no longer. New developments in the OOH space are fuelling innovation that is transforming the medium into a powerful tool for marketers of all persuasions. We’re spending more time than ever outside the home. Around 70% of our time is spent outdoors. Because of this out of home […]

Data Marketing & Advertising

Using Location Audience Segmentation Directly In Your DMP

Audience segmentation is easier with location. And now it’s directly available in your DMP and other media buying solution.


Location Data Accuracy – What Makes Good Location Data

Location is a powerful tool to understand how audiences move in the offline world. It is being used across a number of industries, fuelling everything from innovative mobile apps to providing detailed intelligence and analytics around device movement. For these applications to prosper the data that underpins them needs to be accurate. This is not […]


Big Data In Retail – How Data Analytics Can Transform Retail

The retail industry is evolving rapidly. The way that consumers shop is changing. The line between online and offline is blurring and more retailers are adopting a data first strategy, helping to understand how their customers are behaving and ensuring that they can match the right person the best product. Retail data analytics is the […]

Marketing & Advertising

Best Guide To Location-Based Marketing & Advertising 2022 + Examples

So as a marketer you want to know how location-based marketing can help you to reach your marketing goals? It’s time to take a serious look at location. Big data is tearing up the rulebook in a number of different industries. This trend continues with data-driven marketing becoming the new normal. Mobile has changed many things, but […]


How Big Data & Location Intelligence Is Changing The World

There’s no doubt that the explosive rise in the number of smartphones has changed the world as we know it. The increased number of sensors and connected devices has produced mountains of data. This is being used to transform the way that we live our lives. IoT, location data, location intelligence, big data. Whatever your name […]

Marketing & Advertising

Mobile Targeting – Get Programmatic & Social Right With Data

There have been issues with data accuracy in mobile targeting in the past. Targeting the right person in the best moment is still the appropriate goal for marketers. But to do this effectively, the data that fuels campaigns must be reliable. If marketers don’t work from reliable data sets then the information is useless, and […]

Marketing & Advertising

The Evolution Of Location Based Marketing & Advertising

Let’s get stuck in with a definition. Location-based marketing is the practice of using physical location to inform and optimize advertising, communication, targeting, loyalty and attribution. This sometimes also known as location-based advertising or proximity marketing. At the most basic level, it means creating a one-to-one relationship with the customer. Emphasis is placed on communication in […]


Location Data And Location Intelligence In 2018

The big data analytics space is growing at an alarming rate. We’re all increasingly connected through our mobile devices. This growth has provided huge amounts of data around audiences and how they behave. What kind of competitive advantage can we expect to see from this location data going forward? Location data is rising in importance. But there […]