
About Installing Nodes

June 27, 2020


In any company that develops web 3.0 products, there is a certain order of actions during the development life cycle. Within the framework of this algorithm, it is ensured that any project will not enter the market until it has passed its internal testing, that is, testing within the team of specialists itself. After this, the next stage of testing will be applied, but in real conditions and by everyone who wishes to do it. For such testing, participants need to raise nodes. It must be remembered that any node is a server that requires constant access to the Internet and electricity. Certain software is installed and launched on the node, and operation at full load is monitored using logs, problems are identified and resolved.

Blockchain nodes perform different tasks: support the operations of the network, verify transactions, and provide access to blockchain data (RPC). Maintaining and servicing nodes requires material and resource costs. Such independent activities of companies do not always pay off. The advice in such situations is simple – activate the NaaS (Nodes as a Service) process, using, as an option,

Selecting validator nodes

There is a constantly growing number of people in the world who strive to understand not only what cryptocurrency nodes of blockchain networks are, but also how they can apply this knowledge in their activities and, as a result, make a profit. There is nothing complicated in the very definition of a cryptocurrency node; it is nothing more than a certain software that is installed on a server and which allows interactions in the blockchain network. It should be noted that third-generation blockchains use the PoS (Proof of Stake) protocol as a consensus algorithm, in contrast to the first and second generation blockchains with their PoW (Proof of Work) protocol. This means that in order for third-generation blockchains to work, they need validators, i.e. those network participants who install and maintain the efficiency of nodes by installing servers and related software.

Of course, any blockchain provides appropriate rewards to validators for their work. Therefore, installing and maintaining a node can be considered as an analogue of such mining, which is accessible to much more people. In the classical understanding of mining, a network participant needs very powerful computing equipment and high energy costs. On the PoS protocol, when network participants raise a node, their costs are limited to the purchase or rental of a server, most often inexpensive, and some labor costs to raise a node on this server. Moreover, these labor costs do not look at all daunting, since today there are many instructions and guides with a step-by-step description of this process.

The choice of a promising node for raising depends, first of all, on the preferred project, on the node that will be selected, as well as on the prospects of the blockchain itself. Of course, the prospects for blockchain are, in most cases, quite difficult to predict. In such a situation, the best strategy for the user may be to select the maximum number of promising nodes at the Testnet level and then select those that perform best. In the history of blockchain, there are enough examples of how well such a strategy worked, when users received very good rewards from their blockchain networks for participating in testnets. In addition, in such cases, almost all Testnet participants subsequently remain on the Mainnet and continue to receive rewards from the main blockchain network.

Technical part of node selection

Turning to the technical side of the issue of raising nodes, it should be noted that each node has its own conditions regarding the characteristics of the required server. And here we are talking about a server, and not about a home computer or laptop. The reason for this is that the computing machine must be quite powerful, although in some cases practice shows that there are nodes that have enough power from a home gadget. The second factor that must be taken into account when choosing equipment is its uninterrupted connection to the network. In other words, the machine must work on a 24/7 schedule, and any disconnection from the network or the Internet will bring deplorable results for the testing process and, accordingly, for the user to receive rewards. And the third important factor is the Internet connection itself, which often requires wide connection channels – 100 megabits and above. In such cases, it becomes much more profitable to purchase servers and extend use rights for the duration of the Testnet.

In order to help the user select promising nodes and install them correctly, special sites have been developed. Such sites contain both technical testnets and ambassador programs. In addition, the sites indicate both active nodes that are ready for installation and inactive ones. Next to each active node there is a designation of the difficulty level of its installation. Also, site creators often indicate a node rating, which, of course, is a reflection of their subjective opinion, but users should still pay attention to it. There is another indicator that needs to be taken into account when choosing a node – this is an indication of the timing of the Testnet, since it is best to install a node at a very early its stage.

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