Finance Marketing & Advertising Retail

What Is Footfall Data? All You Need To Know About Foot-traffic In 2023

Footfall data is something that has been around for a while now. But what do we mean by footfall?

This kind of dataset has changed depending on the use case and industry.

In fact, footfall has moved beyond simply measuring the number of people that enter a location.

We’ll take you on a deep dive into footfall data. We’ll show you what it is with detailed examples, as well as what it can be used for across many industries.

What is footfall?

Before we look at footfall data, we need to explain what footfall is.

For us, we have always defined footfall as:

The way that a group behave and move in the real world.

This explains the who, what, when and why of how this group of people visit a location.

This could be different for each business.

But mainly footfall can tell you:

  • Trends around behaviour
  • Changes in demographics
  • Visits to real-world locations
  • Anonymised data trends

Essentially footfall means understanding how people move and behave in the real world.


So what is footfall data, and what does it look like?

Footfall data is sometimes referred to as foot traffic data. It’s a data set that will usually contain a number of entries. 

The dataset as a whole will signify a number of visits to a real-world location.

These are aggregated and delivered in a few different ways.


Aggregated visits to a location

This will be a data set in which the number of visits to a location is aggregated. This is usually done by some kind of time window, such as hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.


Individual visits to a location

Similar to the above, but this time each row will signify a visit to a location. This will usually come with a timestamp and will be up to the person receiving the data to aggregate the data as they wish.


Characteristics of visitors at a location

In this dataset, the visits to a location are overlayed with demographics data to understand the calibre of person visiting the chosen location.


Comparisons of visitors to a location

This dataset will contain a comparison between two locations based on the desired metric. This could be demographic or an hourly number of visits.


Where is footfall/foot traffic data generated from?

These datasets can come from a myriad of sources. It’s important that you understand where your footfall data is generated from, as this can affect its accuracy. The most common sources are as follows:


Geospatial/Location data

Data is usually generated from a mobile device. This is collected and aggregated to protect user privacy. A good amount of versatility as a single data set can be used to measure visits to numerous locations. A good balance of scale and accuracy.


Sensory data

These are usually physical sensors that are placed in entrances to stores. Very accurate but limited mainly to retail and requires stores to install physical tech, so not very scalable.


Purchase data

This kind of footfall data involves taking payment data to understand changing traffic in stores. It can be scalable but is not very accurate. This is mainly due to the fact that you are measuring purchases as opposed to visits.


How can footfall data help my business?

Traffic and movement trends

One of the main use cases for footfall data is for understanding changing traffic and movement trends.

These kinds of insights are valuable for businesses that are interested in physical locations. 

Examples of this use case are:

  • A retail location understands the changing number of visitors to its location. This could be a store or a real estate planner.
  • A city planner understands macro visits changes to plan infrastructure.
  • Financial companies looking to identify trends in behaviour for investment purposes.
  • OOH media owners measure how many people have seen their ads.


Visitor demographics

As mentioned, with overlapping datasets, it’s possible to show the demographic of visitors to locations. These demographics are features such as age, gender, interests. 

This use case traditionally sits more on the side of marketing and advertising. 

Example use cases are:

  • Marketers target consumers who have visited a real-world location.
  • Building lookalike audiences in advertising platforms.


Competitive analysis

This is similar to our first use case, but the target location will typically be a competitor. 

Examples of this use case are:

  • A store measures competitors’ traffic to target them with advertising.
  • A new site planner understands competitive performance to decide where to open a new site or venue.


Training ML

Footfall data can also be used to train emerging ML models. These models are being used to power new tools that can help solve problems in the real world.

Examples of this use case are:

  • Predictive insights into footfall
  • Complex financial predictions


Example of footfall data

Get started with best-in-class footfall data today.


Marketing & Advertising

How Top Brands Use Geospatial Data To Influence Purchase Decision

Geospatial data comes in handy for knowing what kind of things are present at a particular place and how they look and function. With such location intelligence, companies can make more informed decisions.

By the end of this article, you will understand:

  • How companies using geospatial data to offer a more personalized customer experience
  • How businesses increase their operational efficiency and profit margins through geospatial data 

Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) analyze geospatial data. This analysis can help you map and integrate location information of a particular place, object, or person with proper description.

According to the Global BCG survey, 95% of executives across the globe consider mapping and geospatial data critical for achieving desired business goals.


Various Ways That Companies Are Leveraging Geospatial Data

Whether it’s a government relations agency, a clothing store, or a coffee shop, companies across the globe are trying to increase their customer conversion rates through geospatial data analysis. Here’s how companies use geospatial data to grow and retain their customer base.


Choosing the Right Store Location

Your business’s location plays a critical role in its success or failure. Geospatial data can help you understand the market condition of the prospective site. The data can also give you insight into the customers’ preferences and help you predict how your business will perform in a particular area. 

Before analyzing the geospatial data for site selection, ask yourself:

  • Are you selecting a site for a new store?
  • Do you want to move, renovate or close your existing store at a particular location?

In both cases, you need to analyze the following geospatial data:



Do you want your business to stay near your competitors? If you’re going to attract more customers, select a site where your competitors set up their business. 

Customers often look for variety when shopping. This, in turn, can entice your competitor’s customer base to visit your store. It will further increase your store’s visibility and sales. 

For instance, Burger King took competition heads on by targeting McDonald’s outlets in its proximity. Here’s how the campaign worked:

  • The campaign “Escape the Clown” was inspired by the American horror movie “It Chapter Two.” 

  • The outlet compared the evil character of the movie to McDonald’s clown mascot and asked people to escape the clown. 
  • All this took place while people were on the premises of McDonald’s. 
  • Burger King went the augmented reality way. It placed a secret ad within the McDonald’s movie magazine where an article on “It Chapter Two” was present.

  • Further, Burger King went ahead and leveraged location on social media. It took the help of Facebook and Instagram by setting up a calendar to target people visiting McDonald’s. Visitors instantly received a message from Burger King asking them to download its app. Visitors instantly received a message from Burger King asking them to download its app. In general Instagram for small businesses has been al lot of help.
  • Once the visitors downloaded the app and scanned the said article, they received a coupon for the signature Whopper burger at the Burger King. People could redeem the voucher and get the burger for a cent.

  • The catch was the limited time of the coupon. The Burger King app used geolocation to provide people with the nearest route to McDonald’s outlets. 

  • Thus, as the campaign’s name itself suggested, people ran out of McDonald’s to redeem the coupon, thereby escaping the clown. 


Customer’s Interest

Different bases of your customers in other locations might be having different points of interest. You can set up your store in a place where you have the highest customers at a particular point of interest. GIS and GPS will help you analyze this geospatial data and map out that location. These points of interest (POI) range from parking lots, restaurants and gas stations. 

For instance, consider you want to set up an e-commerce store and find a large chunk of your customer base visiting a particular restaurant in an area. Such POI can be an ideal business location for you. “In this process, you will need to compare Wix vs WordPress to pick the best one for your eCommerce brand.”

Here’s another example from the e-commerce giant Amazon. It made good use of the geographic data of authors, sellers, and developers on the United States map. This data came in handy when it launched its first physical bookstore. 

Amazon stocked books in its bookstore based on the reading interests of the people residing in its proximity.  As a result, Amazon went ahead and set up plenty of Amazon Go Stores. It also created a significant economic impact across the United States. 


Level of Traffic

You can also leverage the traffic data while finalizing the store location. You should set up your store in an area where your target customers have high foot traffic. It will increase your store’s visibility and sales.

For instance, if you run a convenience store, placing it near a gas station and corners of the street will give you more footfall. Convenience stores provide easy access to essential utilities such as snacks and toiletries. So, people often visit these stores during commuting.  

Further, if you have a knack for creativity, you can use the traffic data as Burger King did. Mexico has the worst traffic in the world. People there are stuck in the traffic for as long as 5 hours. 

Burger King took it as an opportunity to increase its sales and came up with the campaign “The traffic jam whopper.” Here are some screenshots from an explainer video Burger King created. 

It combined the location data with beacon technology and sent personalized push notifications to customers stuck in traffic.

As a result, the campaign accelerated their sales by 63%.


Optimizing Supply and Distribution Route

If you are into the supply and distribution business, geospatial data such as satellite imagery can help you optimize your routes. Besides, you will also witness a considerable decrease in logistics costs. 

You can also strategically locate your warehouse through geospatial analytics. Such optimization is beneficial for e-commerce stores that need to streamline their delivery and inventory management.

For instance, if you run a small grocery outlet and deliver fresh fruits and vegetables to grocers in varied locations, you can use GIS and GPS to get insights on following geospatial data:

  • When were the fruit and vegetables plucked from the field?
  • Which routes did the inventory vehicle take for the products to reach their destination?
  • What was the quality of the products after their arrival?

If your products encounter problems such as stale fruits and vegetables, you can easily track the whole process. It will give you an in-depth insight into the loopholes from which you can instantly take corrective measures. This, in turn, will ensure that your future product deliveries are top-notch. 

You can take the example of Amazon here. It launched its Amazon Prime Air Drone Project in 2020. The project worked on the combination of artificial intelligence with GIS. With this integration of geospatial data, Amazon delivers products to customers within a record time of 30 minutes. Now, that’s a brand strategy that helped Amazon fulfill its long-term goals of improving customer experience.  


Better Customer Segmentation and Targeting

You can make your business successful through customer segmentation and targeting. This can help you create personalized marketing campaigns for your customers. 

With GIS mapping, you can find out your customers’ consumption patterns. But, since these data contain sensitive information about your customers, you must keep it secure from cyber-attacks. When sharing it online, don’t forget to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your geospatial data. 

  • Which product/service are they using regularly?

If they consume a particular food supplement, send them a reminder email or a push notification a few days before their supplement ends. Do it the way ROCKIN’ WELLNESS does with its reminder email.

  • Are they changing their buying preferences?

If they were buying custom hoodies from a particular brand, but are browsing other brands now, send them a recommendation email for similar products in new brands. Take some inspiration from Lyst to craft a compelling recommendation email.

Pro tip: Make sure your emails aren’t ending up in spam. A high email deliverability rate is a crucial indicator of reasonable conversion rates.

  • Are they purchasing from your competitors? 

If they have switched to your competitors, retain them through loyalty programs, discounts, and coupons.  A cost-friendly hack would be to send them through push notifications and emails with a discount offer to increase your conversions while keeping the cost low and improving your Return on Investment (ROI) by a whopping 10%. 

Further, you can also try retaining your customers by organizing giveaways on social media.

Take a look at how Facebook did a phenomenal job with giving giveaways

 Make sure to have a verified social media account to establish credibility in front of your customers. 

Publishing infographics depicting how your products and services are better than your competitors can also allure your customers to come back to you. 


Analyzing Future Marketing Trends

From customer’s information to sales target data, you can analyze these data and come up with the following results:

You can also take some inspiration from Walmart’s geospatial strategy. It makes use of a variety of location-based technologies to improve customer experience. These technologies include geo-fencing, store map features, and artificial intelligence. Let’s take a look at how they implement this high-end location-based strategy:

  • To improve navigation through a Walmart store, the brand came up with a store map feature on its mobile app. The segment contains unique layouts of all the Walmart outlets in the US. They further provide the exact location of each product present in each outlet. 
  • On Black Friday, Walmart came up with an exclusive Black Friday Store Map. It gives customers the precise location of the most exciting Black Friday deals. The map highlights the high-demand product locations with the help of color-coded maps. These maps were accessible by clicking on the “map your deals” button. 
  • Walmart manages its vast inventory with the help of AI-backed robots. It installed automatic shelf scanners in its various outlets.  These scanners have cameras that monitor the items present on the shelves. If any product goes out of stock, or if the labels or pricing are wrong; these scanners alert the store manager. 

So, you see, how geospatial data helped Walmart take its customer experience to another level? 

Now, let’s take another example of how Neil Curie, an investment banker analyst, predicted Walmart sales using satellite data. 

He gathered satellite data of 100 Walmart stores and analyzed the number of vehicles in their parking lot every month. It gave him a clear idea about the regular flow of customers in the retail outlet. 

He further used the regression technique. It helped him figure out how the vehicles in the parking lot were in direct proportion to the Walmart earnings. With this correlation, he was able to predict the sales of Walmart for the next quarter year. 

Now that’s how you use geospatial data like a pro. Imagine doing the same for your business and skyrocketing your earnings!


Wrap Up

With the proper usage of geospatial data, businesses can pave new avenues of success

Amazon, Walmart, and Burger King are the top brands that are leveraging geospatial data. 

In a nutshell, geospatial data can help you understand your customers and competitors better. This, in turn, will help you develop top-notch marketing strategies and speed up your sales and revenue.

Marketing & Advertising

5 Real-World Marketing Campaigns Made Better by Geotargeting

Recent innovations in modern technology have made geotargeting one of the most effective ways to improve your marketing campaigns. Although marketing agencies can help you with geotargeted marketing campaigns, companies for graphic designs can also help you with amazing visuals for your marketing campaigns.

In this article, you’ll get some insight into brands that launched more successful marketing campaigns by using geotargeting. You’ll also discover related information about the results they achieve with their campaigns, as well as strategies to help you when you launch your marketing ads.

In addition, you’ll find tips on how to implement geotargeting effectively in your next marketing campaign.


Why Use Geotargeting?

Thanks to location-based technology, such as geo-filters and location data, geotargeting has become very precise. In other words, digital marketers no longer have to gamble on local pay-per-click advertisements.

It’s now more practical and cost-effective to include geotargeting in your marketing campaign, especially if you’re a local business.

This explains why more brands are investing in geotargeting marketing strategies.

Customers are also joining in as many say they don’t mind brands knowing their real-time locations if it helps them achieve a more satisfying shopping experience.

It’s a win-win.

Companies utilize geotargeting marketing to provide a more rewarding way to advertise products and services. And customers are also embracing the technology as a quick and reliable way to find the products and services they need from their mobile devices wherever they are.

Let’s dig a bit deeper and explore what precisely geotargeting is, its applications, benefits, and look at some successful geo-targeting campaigns.


What is Geotargeting?

Geotargeting (or local PPC) is the term that encompasses the practice of delivering adverts or content to consumers (or potential consumers) based on their geographical locations.

For businesses, it means advertising products and services to local prospects.

There are several methods through which geotargeting can be utilized — from the zip code level using device IDs or IP addresses to geo-fencing, GPS signals, and more. 

The idea behind the technology is to understand a user’s needs in real-time so relevant ad content can be delivered at the right place and time. With those in place, the circumstances are right for the consumer to take the desired action — make a purchase.

Moreover, sending relevant ads to consumers creates a bond between themselves and the brand. A 2019 survey shows that 75% of consumers are more likely to be loyal to a brand they feel understands them. Geotargeting is that bridge to better understanding.

With that said, let’s look at some of the top benefits geotargeting provides to businesses.


Top 5 Benefits Geotargeting can Provide Your Business

Adding geotargeting to your marketing campaign comes with several key benefits. Here are the top five you can expect:


Personalized Content

A key advantage of geotargeting is that it allows you to create advertising content relevant to those who see them. You see, personalized ads create a better experience for users and a higher chance of a conversion.

When you know where your ads will be displayed, you can push specific products, stores, events, etc., that are unique to the people in those areas.


Effective Marketing Budgets

By restricting your ads to only the areas you want (places your products are available, popular, or already successful), your marketing campaigns can be more effective and cost-efficient.


Product and Market Development

Another advantage geotargeting offers is that it helps brands test new products or services in a more controlled market.

By displaying ads for new products in a specific location, variables can be better accounted for, providing you with cleaner data. You can then observe the results and fine-tune your offer for a larger audience.


Build Authority

If you want to build a reputation as the go-to brand for the product or service you offer in your neighborhood, geotargeting can help you achieve that.

By using your ads to showcase relevant community events, answer questions your customers have, and more, you can naturally connect with your local community and attract more customers and assist lead generation.


Hide Ads from Competitors

Finally, geotargeting can give you an advantage over the competition. How? Exclude the locations where your closest competitors are from your advertising campaigns. This way, your ads can gain a headstart before competitors see them. 


Where Does Geotargeting Fit?

While a geotargeting marketing campaign is effective for many businesses, certain limitations can affect others. For instance, using a local pay-per-click (PPC) may not be the best option for products that can be bought almost anywhere (e.g., milk, soda, etc.). 


What to Avoid When Geotargeting

Before we dive into examples of real-life marketing campaigns that got better with geotargeting, let touch on pitfalls to be aware of:


Locations that don’t scale

Locations that cannot scale to generate adequate audiences for geotargeting are among the most common challenges to the practice. Some reasons this could happen include choosing a stand-alone location that does not have enough foot traffic to analyze, short-lived events that do not give enough time for audience capturing, etc.

Locations with multiple tightly clustered businesses (such as malls or multipurpose buildings) can also make geotargeting challenging.


Products or services available everywhere

Products that are generally available everywhere are not a good fit for location-based marketing


Businesses with sensitive data

Another challenge for geotargeting market campaigns is businesses that deal with sensitive data.

A typical example is healthcare offices. In cases like this, such businesses must fulfill the requirements of privacy compliance firms such as Network Advertising Initiative, TrustArc and the Digital Advertising Alliance, and TrustArc. Such conditions ensure privacy for consumers.


5 Successful Real-World Marketing Campaigns Aided by geotargeting

Many notable brands have used geotargeting in their campaigns to great success. Here are five notable examples.



UNIQLO is a company that deals in casual clothing apparel for men, women, kids, and babies. It has more than 1000 stores scattered across the world.

The marketing campaign challenge

In 2012, UNIQLO was about to launch its yearly sales campaign, but they wanted better results. They decided to promote it using Facebook — which was the most popular social networking channel among the brand’s target audience of young people at the time.

To push their sales, the brand created a ‘UNIQLO Check-in Chance’ campaign, which gave everyone who checked in (on Facebook) at any one of their stores a chance to win 100 yen. After checking in, their details would go into a prize draw with 100 yen as the prize. However, the 100 yen could only be used during the sales period in a UNIQLO store.

Also, UNIQLO made all check-ins at their stores visible to all as entertainment rather than make the check-ins on Facebook only visible to friends.



The excitement created at the individual stores due to the Facebook check-ins quickly became a global event. The prize draw and the possibility of winning a cash coupon encouraged check-in participation and drove traffic to the stores.

In other words, the Facebook check-ins served as a geotargeting campaign for people in that area.

Over three days, the UNIQLO yearly sales garnered an impressive tally of 202,479 check-ins — which was an all-time high. Furthermore, the Facebook page for the brand experienced over 10,000 likes from the campaign. Foot traffic to their stores also reached new highs. During the three-day sale period, UNIQLO sold clothing worth over 10 billion Japanese yen (which was just under $93,000).



The highlight of this campaign is how simple it was. A good rule of thumb is to keep your marketing campaigns as simple as possible such that your customers (or potential customers) don’t feel like they have to work to keep up with you. Additionally, throwing some incentives (such as the prize draw here) is a great way to get potential customers to take action.



Hyundai is an automobile manufacturing company that was founded in 1967. The company is renowned for its high-quality yet affordable cars.

The marketing campaign challenge

Hyundai had a problem with sales. People thought their cars were ‘cheap’ and as a result, sales were down.

In fairness, Hyundai cars have always been a more affordable option, but it didn’t make them inferior. 

So, how did they solve this problem of reduced sales?

Hyundai Motors America came up with a campaign they codenamed ‘Dealer Stealer’. As the name implies, the goal of this campaign was to ‘steal’ customers from rival dealers, and they used geo-targeting to pull it off!

They digitally mapped the locations of the stores of two of their major rivals — 115 Mazda dealerships and 282 Toyota dealerships, as well as 152 of their stores. Then, they kept track of those who walked into (or came close to) the stores of their rivals and collected their unique and anonymous mobile phone data IDs.

Then, they displayed Hyundai advertising deals on the mobile phones of these people, who are primarily customers looking to buy Mazda or Toyota vehicles.



As a result of their geofencing marketing efforts, Hyundai had approximately 815,000 pairs of eyes viewing their ads, and at least 50% of this number reconsidering Hyundai as an alternative. This number was gathered from the click-through rate (viewers who clicked the ads), 50% above the industry average.

The company also kept track of the location of the mobile phone users to see if they eventually walked into a Hyundai dealership and re-targeted them with more mobile ads if they needed an extra push.



Hyundai Motors’ approach was ingenious. Chances were that anyone who walked into a car dealership was ready to buy a car, and that made them prime picks. All that was left was to isolate and target them with relevant ads highlighting their car deals, and they used geotargeting to achieve that.


Domino’s Pizza

Domino’s Pizza is the recognized global leader in the business of pizza production and delivery. It has numerous stores in the US and all over the world.


The marketing campaign challenge

Domino’s wanted to be able to advertise more effectively to their customers. So, they came up with a campaign to use text messages for effective hyperlocal advertising (top-tier geotargeting). But, they needed one essential bit of information — the addresses of their customers.

They asked their customers to provide their addresses when opting for their email and text pizza discount offers. Once they had this information, Domino’s began geotargeting using various categories (from ZIP codes to timezones, store locations, and even states).



With this campaign, Domino’s has been able to carry out text message ads that are more likely to convert. Their hyperlocal advertising meant that they could target people in specific locations based on real-time happenings and offers.

For instance, a Domino’s outlet in a college town can send out text ads detailing special offers on the night of major games. Here’s another scenario — if there’s a thunderstorm in a Domino’s store location, they may send out ads to the people in that area to order in rather than having to go outside.



Domino’s Pizza used the incentives of discounted offers to encourage their customers to give them their addresses. The information was then used to make hyper-specific ads that targeted customers’ immediate pain points in real-time (getting soaked by the rain).



Coca-cola is the world’s leading beverage bottling company, with its products sold in more than 200 countries.


The marketing campaign challenge

Coca-cola was looking for ways to streamline and optimize its supply operations for better sales and decided to use location intelligence (geotargeting).

The company used its vending machines — one-third of which are connected to the internet — to harness customer data. The machines use facial recognition alongside payment analysis to collect data on which drinks sell the best. Also, from the data they get from their machines, Coca-cola could tell which of the vending machines got the most foot traffic.



Based on the data they got, Coca-cola figured out their ‘best-selling’ machines and the ones that didn’t get a lot of traffic. From this, they went back to the drawing board to redistribute their supply resources. As a result of a more optimized supply chain, they could increase their profits and save more on costs.



This example demonstrates the impact of analyzing sales based on location and then using geotargeting to optimize and drive sales in the areas where there is a larger market.


Van Leeuwen

Van Leeuwen is an ice cream company that was created in 2008. At that time, they started by selling ice cream out of a truck. Today, they have several stores in multiple states across the US and feature various ice cream selections, including vegan ice cream.


The marketing campaign challenge

Van Leeuwen was looking for ways to keep track of their customers so ads could be sent to them when they are close to a store. The company decided to use the location tracking feature of the PayPal app. 

As part of the campaign, Van Leeuwen required their customers to download and install the PayPal app on their mobile devices and then link it to their PayPal accounts. That was the first step. Afterward, they used the geolocation feature of the PayPal app to know when a customer was close to a Van Leeuwen store.

Once they got this proximity alert, they sent ads with enticing offers and deals to attract them into the store and make a purchase. Then, they let them pay for their creamy treats using the PayPal app



As a result of the use of mobile payment options and the location-tracking benefits it offers, Van Leeuwen could use geo-targeted ads to drive customers into their stores and increase their sales effectively.



Everyone loves a convenient payment option, and Van Leeuwen leveraged that. They chose a mobile payment option that tracks user location from their mobile data. This allowed them to influence their customers’ decisions at the crucial moments during which they were close to Van Leeuwen stores.

Hopefully, these real-life applications have given you some insight into how you can apply geotargeting in your business’s marketing strategy.


Geotargeting Software

Here are some of the best marketing automation software you can use to get the results you need:


Facebook Location Targeting

Facebook has more than 2.7 billion active users, which makes it a powerful advertising channel. The best part? The platform also allows you to target users based on various criteria — from country to region or even city. Facebook is one of the best platforms for achieving your marketing goals using UGC-style video ads and other advertising forms. Facebook also monitors the performance of your ads, deduces your best-performing locations, and reallocates your budget to target those locations.


Google Ads Location Targeting

With Google Ads, you can target only people in specific regions, or cities, or the radius of a particular area based on their mobile data. You can also target users based on specific countries, regions, or a radius around a specific location. 


Twitter geotargeting

If you think Twitter is a good match for your advertising needs, you can use it to attract your target customers. Twitter uses geotargeting to keep track of mobile user data, including IP addresses and mobile GPS signals. With this, you can restrict your ad campaigns to specific cities, postal addresses, or countries.


Instagram Locations and Geotags

Instagram allows users to tag locations on their posts. This way, when other users search for that location, those posts show up. Therefore, you can take advantage of this geotag feature when you post in your feed and story. Also, you can advertise to users in specific locations (say, near your store) via Instagram. In addition, you can use tools to post to Instagram from Mac for the best content quality.


LinkedIn Geotargeting

LinkedIn connects professionals based on their industries and geographic locations, which makes it an excellent ad tool. Moreover, the platform makes ‘Geographic Location’ a required field if you want to share an ad, so it’s just as well. With at least 2.8 million locations globally, LinkedIn allows you to target specific areas or regions.


Snapchat Location Targeting

Finally, if you’re targeting the younger demographic in a specific region, Snapchat may be the way to go. The platform allows users to target precise locations, countries, or even postal addresses. You can also share your ads within a particular radius or longitude/latitude pair.


Ways to Deliver Your Geo-Targeted Messages to the Customers

There are several means through which you can convey the content of your geo-targeted ads to your customers. Here are some options you can try:


Pop-ups: How Geotargeting Works for Pop-ups

You’re probably not a stranger to pop-ups while browsing through a website. Well, in the right location and on the devices of relevant people, pop-ups can be a powerful ad tool. If you’re sending out pop-up ads, ensure that you choose the most relevant audience for your products or service. You can also throw in some open-ended sales questions to encourage interactions and achieve more productive results.


Geo-targeted Email Marketing

Another option is geo-targeted email marketing. Over the years, cold email software has proven to be an effective marketing tool for brands and businesses worldwide. But with geotargeting and the right email client, the results can even be more exponential. With Geo-targeted email marketing, you can send your ads to people in favorable locations for your business, which improves your chances of converting.


Wrap Up

Today, many successful brands are implementing geotargeting marketing and increasing their profit margins. The real-life scenarios we discussed in this article are more proof. You can also join the ranks and achieve your company goals faster.

Make your marketing campaigns better with geotargeting today.

Business Data Marketing & Advertising

Why Using A Customer Data Platform Will Take Your Customer Experience to the Next Level

Why Using A Customer Data Platform Will Take Your Customer Experience to the Next Level

There’s no shortage of marketing tools that capture and analyze customer data. The problem? When businesses analyze customer data, each data set is usually treated as a standalone. But siphoning through data set after data set can be costly and inefficient. 

So, how do marketers combine different data sets into a single customer view? 

They use customer data platforms (CDPs). 

What are CDPs?

CDPs are data platforms that capture data from various sources and display it in a single unified customer database. In other words, they consolidate and integrate customer data into one central platform. This way, businesses can pull insights on a specific customer or prospect during various points of the customer journey. 

(Image Source)

Like all marketing tools, businesses use CDPs to understand their customers’ unique preferences and behaviors. 

But what sets CDPs apart from other tools is their ability to help businesses create customer-centric experiences.

CDPs give businesses the data they need to create relevant messaging — all in one place, in real-time. This helps them create messages that are custom-tailored to their customers’ preferences. When customers feel like a company knows them, they’re more likely to stick around. 

Let’s take a closer look at how you can use CDPs to take your customer experience to the next level.

Building a sales process 

Using a customer data platform can be invaluable to building a sales process that entices your customers to say “yes” without resorting to slimy tactics. 

Below, we’ve listed a number of ways businesses can use CDPs. 

1. Map out the buyer’s journey

Buyer journeys aren’t simple straight lines that lead to a sale. They zig, zag, turnaround, and zig again. 

Today, a buyer’s journey could start on one channel and toggle between several steps. Knowing how that journey ebbs and flows gives your organization a chance to ensure no customer slips through the cracks.

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That’s why it’s essential to map out your company’s buyer’s journey. 

Every step and interaction a customer goes through during the buyer’s journey produces customer data. 

Businesses that study these interactions and look for patterns can predict future buying habits. Understanding this behavior shows you what customers align with and what turns them away. 

To sum up: Understanding what actions customers complete before or after purchasing helps you nurture leads and create more enjoyable customer experiences.

2. Craft customer-centric sales funnels

Mapping out the buyer’s journey and analyzing customer behavior gives you a competitive advantage. 

When you can predict customer behavior, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand buying habits
  • Share relevant offers
  • Personalize content 
  • Build long-term customer relationships 
  • Speak to customers in their preferred communication style 

You’ll also be able to craft customer-centric funnels. 

Customer-centric funnels use the data you mapped in your buyer’s journey to take customers through a personalized sales experience. 

Each stage of the funnel is personalized for your customers. Some people will need more nurturing before making a purchase, while others won’t need much coaxing at all.

For instance, some customers will need a whole series of offers while others will buy after just two. 

Funnels also take some of the pressure off your sales team and create passive business revenue. 

If done well, they also help you build long-term customer relationships and repeat sales. 

3. Analyze detailed customer profiles

The most valuable part of a CDP is the personalized customer profiles. These in-depth, single customer view profiles are what set CDPs apart from other systems. 

Profiles detail each person based on data pulled from an array of channels. This means wherever your customer is — you are. Whether they’re in person or online, you have a compilation of their behaviors and preferences. 

This helps you craft unique experiences you know a customer will love. 

In the end, customers want to be seen as individuals, not as lead prospects. It can get cloudy when you’re analyzing data. Sooner or later, prospects look like sales targets on a spreadsheet. But CDPs have the distinct ability to create comprehensive profiles that feel human.

Every data point serves a purpose, is cleaned, and deduplicated. Next, the datasets are grouped together by theme. Finally, the data generates a unified customer profile. 

In a CDP customer profile, you’ll see details such as:

  • Their behavior 
  • Their engagement 
  • How they feel about your business
  • If they’re a frequent user
  • If they’re likely to re-engage 
  • Their likes and dislikes

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Personalizing marketing content and promotions 

Understanding customer behavior and preferences is essential to personalizing the content that enhances the customer experience. 

CDPs help businesses such as SaaS content marketing agencies personalize content and marketing promotions in a number of ways. 

1. Relevant messaging 

Customers don’t engage with campaigns that aren’t personally relevant. The data you collect from a CDP helps create relevant messaging your customers will connect with. Relevant messaging through target campaigns increases customer experience and loyalty.

For instance, Millennials prefer different messaging than Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers prefer different messaging than Gen Zers.

2. Content optimization

Understanding your customers also helps you optimize content to match a customer’s search intent. This helps you produce the right content at the right time.

Picture this:

You own a simple skincare brand, and you’re looking to increase your product base. Before you start getting creative in a lab, you analyze customer data in your CDP.

After noticing a series of patterns, you realize that your customers are searching for:

  • Sun protection sets
  • Bath bombs
  • Jade rollers
  • Beard oil

Not only does this show you what products to create, but it also shows you which target phrases to optimize your content around.  

You use those target phrases to plan out content briefs, research secondary keywords, and prepare SEO plans. 

By the end of your preparation, you’ve planned out three months worth of:

  • Topics to target
  • Secondary keywords
  • Frequently asked questions to answer
  • Content scores to target
  • Sales copy
  • Blog article outlines
  • Social media content 

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Along the way, you continue to keep an eye on your customer data. If you see a change in pattern, simply adjust your content as needed. 

This commitment to custom tailoring content to customers’ preferences enhances their experience with your company.

Segmenting customers 

While every customer has their own preferences and behaviors, it’s common for many to exhibit common patterns. 

CDPs give you tools to define your audience by segments based on these shared attributes and behaviors. Segments are based on rules, or they’re built using machine learning and AI. With these tools, you can enrich customer profiles with data you wouldn’t be able to gather on your own.

With the segmenting features, you can:

  • Predict customer churn 
  • Deliver relevant recommendations based on buying history
  • Identify customer advocates and frequent buyers
  • Identify similar patterns
  • Identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities 
  • Segment your customers using common attributes 
  • Tailor messages to those segments

Businesses can use CDP segmentation tools to optimize the entire customer journey from discovery to advocacy. 

To analyze and segment profile data, look for a CDP that has:

  • Prebuilt code
  • Visualizations that feel intuitive 
  • Out of the box features
  • 24/7 customer support 

An example of audience segmentation 

Let’s imagine that your business sells digital courses on personal and career development. You just set up a CDP, and you’re looking forward to trying the audience segmentation features. 

After identifying customer patterns and behaviors, you notice you have three main types of customer patterns:

  1. Frequent buyers that mainly buy career development courses
  2. Infrequent buyers that mainly buy personal development courses 
  3. Moderate buyers that buy a mix of both


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This insight helps you segment your customers into the following customer avatars:

  1. Career development customers 
  2. Personal development customers
  3. Career and personal development customers 

Later, you improve your marketing strategy to cater to these three customer avatars. You have three different kinds of social media campaigns, email newsletters, landing pages, websites, and paid ads. 

You can also repurpose content over time by launching a podcast or producing videos, for example. After this: This helps you produce the right content at the right time.

For your career development customers, you:

Focus your content on career advancement, job skills, and networking tips.

For your personal development customers, you:

Focus your content on personal growth, coping skills, and building self-confidence.

For your career and personal development customers, you:

Focus your content on how personal growth contributes to career growth.  

At this point, your planned content strategy is laser-focused and serves your three most common types of customers. 

Over time you keep an eye on behaviors and make adjustments when needed. You also keep an eye out for new customer avatars and buying habits.

Isn’t a CDP just a CRM?

CDPs and CRMs both work with customer data, but the two are pretty different. 

You may have wondered, “Why do I need a CDP? Isn’t a customer relationship management tool (CRM) the same thing?”

It’s actually not. 

While CRMs contain data you already know (i.e., name, email, and zip code), CDPs collect data you wouldn’t know over a specific time. 

But there are more differences between the two tools. 

Here are some major differences between a CDP and a CRM.

1. Data capacity 

CRMs were intended to keep track of customer and prospect interactions to automate the process for sales teams. They’re great for sales and marketing teams that need to pull customer information quickly. 

CDPs are great at handling large amounts of data from various channels. 

2. Known data 

CRMs only contain known data — they won’t be able to pull anything on potential customers you’ve never met before. 

CDPs work with both known and unknown data making them more valuable than most martech tools. 

3. Storage information 

CRM data stores simple information into a few fields — almost like a flashcard. It includes basic customer information such as name and contact information. 

CDPs have detailed information about a customer’s buying patterns, online and offline activity, and behaviors.

4. Data format

CRMs can’t handle data in a free-flowing manner. The system can only recognize data if it’s formatted in a specific way (i.e., a CSV file). 

CDPs take information from several sources and act as a central hub for customer data. They can handle both simple and robust information while also making sense of complex data. This includes online and offline data and behaviors. 

5. Monitoring and engaging 

CRMs are helpful for monitoring and engaging with customers and prospects throughout all phases of the buyer’s journey. They work well at managing contact information and also have automated workflows and reports. Solopreneurs and small teams often use CRMs. 

CDPs are helpful for tracking all aspects of customer behavior on and offline. They pull information from various sources for customers you know and don’t know alike. They help you segment audiences and refine your messaging. Startups, mid-size, and large companies use CDPs.  

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Which tool is better for customer experience — a CRM or a CDP?

While CRMs are helpful for engaging with customers at various parts of the customer journey, they’re still limited on information. 

The more detailed information a company has about their customers, the more insight they have as to what those customers crave.

First, you have to know what their pain points are. Then, you have to craft messages that align with customer needs. But a CRM can’t help you with that. It can help you manually look up customers and engage with them directly, but it doesn’t use machine learning or artificial intelligence to scour customer behaviors.  

That’s why, in the end, CDPs are better tools for enhancing the customer experience. 

Ready to transform your customer experience to the next level? 

Customer experience affects every aspect of success, making CDPs invaluable to a business. 

With a CDP, you’ll understand how your customer thinks, what they’re looking for, and what they like. You won’t need three tools, and multiple data set extraction tools. Instead, your CDP will pull information from various channels for you. 

Not only does this save you time, but it also helps you understand how to reach your customers in a profound way.

From knowing how to craft messages to building long-term relationships, a CDP is every business’s trusted tool for up-leveling the customer experience. 


Marketing & Advertising News

Tamoco’s Accurate US Segments Available In LiveRamp & Adsquare

Are location-based segments the answer for marketer’s identity crisis?

For marketers, the cookie is an essential way of understanding consumers, their interests, and how best to deliver them relevant and engaging content and ads. Whatever happens with the cookie, many marketers have agreed that moving towards people-based marketing is a direction that the industry is well advised to take.

That’s why at Tamoco, we’re focused on supporting a marketer’s ability to be better at people-based marketing. We believe that device location can help build distinct audience segments based on real-world locations that drive results.

Tamoco has been in the location space for a while now. We started by using beacons and other sensors to deliver push notifications to users. A lot has changed since those days, but we feel that there’s still a lot that needs to be done for marketers.

The power of location-based targeting has been proven, but we think we’ve built something that gives marketers better certainty when using location-based segments.

For us, this all comes down to accuracy. For consumers, there’s nothing worse than a lack of relevance in their advertising. We noticed that much of the location data that was being used to target consumers was simply inaccurate.

That’s why we built our visits product. It takes multiple device signals (such as movement type, acceleration, and altitude) over numerous data points to measure visits to real-world locations more accurately. Marketers can now be sure that the person they are targeting with their ads spent time inside a retail location, rather than just walked past.

But the best part for marketers is that we’re integrating this all directly into LiveRamp and Adsquare.

With Tamoco’s segments, marketers can accurately target consumers based on their behavior in the offline world. Tamoco offers hundreds of unique audiences, based on a detailed analysis of visits to real-world locations and points of interest. These segments run across multiple industries, from retail stores to restaurants, entertainment venues, and travel locations.


How to access Tamoco segments from within LiveRamp

Tamoco’s location based segments are available through the LiveRamp platform. Activate these segments today to target people and provide a better advertising experience for consumers.

Tamoco makes 70 pre-build segments available in the data store; these are split by POI category and refreshed monthly.

Our off the shelf segments can be found by following Tamoco > US > Location data > Verified visits > Month Year > Segment name. E.g. Tamoco > US > Location data > Verified visits > Month Year > QSR

Tamoco off the shelf segments are also automatically pushed to DV360 and available through their marketplace.

We can build custom segments (based on more tailored POI categories, brands, locations, smaller time windows) and push these to 198 Liveramp data partners; including Adobe Advertising Cloud, Amazon, Amobee, Facebook, Hulu, MediaMath, Roku, theTradeDesk, Verizon and Xandr.

For customized options, please get in touch here.


How to access from within Adsquare

Tamoco’s location based segments are available through the Adsquare platform. Activate these segments today to target people and provide a better advertising experience for consumers.

Tamoco makes pre-build segments and audience profiles available in Adsquare and these are also pushed to all public marketplaces; these are split by POI category and refreshed monthly.

Our off the shelf segments can be found by searching for Tamoco in the Adsquare platform or in any marketplace you use.

We can build custom segments (based on more tailored POI categories, brands, locations, smaller time windows) and push these to any of the social media platforms integrated with Adsquare including Adobe Advertising Cloud, ApNexus, Facebook, MediaMath, theTradeDesk, amongst others.

For customized options, please get in touch here.

Marketing & Advertising

Everything You Need To Know About Attribution

Marketers now have a bigger arsenal than ever before. It’s a digital arsenal, an outdoor advertising arsenal, a location-based, personalized, tailor-made arsenal of marketing channels that attract customers.

All this power comes with a problem; it’s hard to tell which marketing channels have the most significant impact on your business. Creating dozens of campaigns across several channels might get the word out about your business, but you’ve got to tie leads back to the marketing channel that delivered them if you want to know what’s working.

That’s where marketing attribution comes in. Attribution means tracking each touchpoint customers have with your brand and assigning credits to those touchpoints according to how much they impacted the customer decision. According to data from HubSpot, companies that use attribution to show marketing ROI have a 12% bigger marketing budget than those that don’t.

Without attribution, you won’t know how to adjust spend and allocate resources towards the most effective, efficient marketing channels. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.


The Issue of Offline Attribution

Attribution can solve the problem of how to give credit to offline conversions. Imagine that someone calls your business’s call center after seeing your billboard, bus stop ad, or brochure. How do you assign credit to that marketing source if you can’t track a click?

Call tracking numbers can solve this issue. Simply put a tracking number on the ad, link it to your real number, and use call tracking software to capture that lead and track it back to the marketing source.

Offline attribution methods like call tracking allow you to quantify revenue from non-digital ads. As for the digital ads? Many tracking tools use first-click attribution; when credit goes to the first click that brings a user to a website.


A Simple Guide to First-Click Attribution

Picture this; someone performs a Google search for “what is CRM software.” That user finds your site in the search results and clicks. They visit your site, see your number and eventually call your salespeople. This is a lead, and the credit for this lead goes to the first marketing source they clicked on; Google organic search results.

Now let’s imagine something different happened. Instead of calling your sales team, that user ended up leaving your site without making contact. A few days later, they saw one of your PPC ads while searching for CRM software again. Recognizing your company name, they clicked the ad, called the tracking number on the landing page, and got in touch with a salesperson.

The credit for this lead still goes to Google Organic because that was the first click this user made before interacting with your site. There’s a problem though; PPC marketing also played an essential role in converting this customer.

Without the ability to track and account for all your marketing sources, you’d risk overvaluing Google Organic and undervaluing the PPC campaign simply because first-click attribution didn’t split the credit evenly between the two marketing sources. Marketers have recognized the need for more data and multi-channel attribution; a 2016 study found that 39% of marketers planned to use six or more marketing channels over the next two years.


Expanding Attribution with Better Data

Landing Page reports and Lead Page Reports give you the extra insights you need to assign lead credit across all marketing sources accurately. Landing Page reports tell you which web page the lead first landed on when coming to your site, a tidbit that can help you identify the keyword they used to search for your product. For instance, if they land on a specific product page, they likely used a keyword related to that product.

Landing Page reports can also reveal the other marketing methods leads used to visit your site. You may be sending out emails with links to pages on your website, or you may have backlinks from other sites, and landing page reports can reveal whether or not the people who clicked on those links ended up converting.

Lead Page Reports are a little different. They reveal which page the lead was on when they took a conversion action (calling, filling out a form, or initiating a chat). These reports reveal how effective various web pages are at turning prospects into leads.

First-touch attribution may only reveal one marketing channel’s effectiveness, but combining attribution data with a landing page and lead page reports will reveal how the various marketing channels intersect and impact the customer journey. In fact, you can even bring location data into the mix.


Realizing the Power of Real World Store Attribution

Attribution isn’t just for digital businesses. Integrating a real-world store attribution tool into your marketing stack will tell you when leads saw your marketing, when they came into your business and when they made a purchase. For brick and mortar businesses, this is a must. It’s also no longer a futuristic technology reserved for a select few; real-world store attribution tools are available.

With these tools, you can see how to drive traffic to your Shopify store, as well as your real0world store. You can see how long people stay in your stores, how often they visit, and demographic information about each customer. Maybe some marketing efforts drive people to your stores, but those people don’t make large purchases. You might be able to identify the marketing efforts that drive high-value customers to your stores, who make large purchases and come back for more.

The prevalence of mobile devices among the population has made real-world store attribution possible. However, these devices are just one part of the multi-device ecosystem that marketers must follow to capture every lead and trace it back to the marketing source.


The Need for Cross-Device Attribution

According to this Google research project, 51% of consumers will search for products across multiple devices, and 48% will directly navigate to their destination website from a different device than they used to find the site initially. Someone might search for a new CRM software on their phone, find a product they like, and then use their desktop computer to navigate that website directly and buy the product. Attribution has to be able to keep up with these changes.

That’s a lot of information to keep track of. Luckily for us marketers, that study was conducted in 2012, and attribution technology has caught up since then. While most consumers probably use multiple devices to shop even more frequently in 2020, it’s easier to track all searching, browsing, and shopping with cross-device attribution tools.


A Wrap-up on Attribution

Attribution is one of those marketing phrases that gets thrown around a lot, but it boils down to how well you can understand what marketing works. It’s the process of capturing data, tying it all together, and creating simple reports that explain what’s going on. If you can do that, you can calculate the exact impact your marketing has on the business’ bottom line. That’s valuable information, and it can make you, as a marketer, invaluable to your company.

Marketing & Advertising

What is Geofencing? Best Guide To Using Geofencing In 2023

It’s high time we took another look at Geofencing. The technology has been a powerful way to reach consumers in the best moment in the right locations. But how have the capabilities changed, and how can marketers best use the technology as we move into a new decade?


What is Geofencing?

Geofence marketing is a form of location-based marketing where a geographic boundary is placed around a point of interest. When a mobile device enters this area, the geofence can trigger several different events. These triggers are usually the delivery of some kind of advertising. Historically this has been via SMS marketing, but increasingly this process has developed to include push notifications and even fit seamlessly into the programmatic advertising stack.


A definition of geofencing in 2023

Geofencing is a technology that has been around for a while. It is always developing, and marketers are finding intuitive new ways to use it effectively.

Geofencing is useful for instant location-based advertising. But its use can move beyond this simple moment marketing. Geofencing can be used to identify and build large addressable audiences over time. As we’ll see, it can even have a role in retargeting, attribution, and other location-based insights.


How does geofencing work?

Geofencing mostly consists of the following steps:

  • Identify a geographical radius around a real-world location.
  • Set up a geofence (virtual barrier) around the location.
  • When a device enters or exits, an event can be triggered.


What are the limitations of geofencing in marketing and advertising? (What you can’t do)

Not all geofencing technology is perfect. Sometimes a device registers inside a geofence when, in fact, it isn’t. Other times the geofence is set around a store, but in busy cities and other hard to measure locations, sometimes this means that devices are falsely attributed to the physical location.

These issues mean that geofencing has to be accurate. To provide maximum value to consumers, ads have to be relevant. Directly sending everyone that walks past a store, a message isn’t a viable option.

At Tamoco, we are obsessed with accuracy. We want our customers to be sure that a device is being targeted because it actually visited a location. So we build a solution that understands more than a single data point when calculating if a device is inside a POI or geofence.

Geofencing also has potential scalability issues. Being so highly targeted and in the moment means that the addressable audience in a geofence campaign might be quite small.

A geofencing campaign might work across McDonald’s stores, for example, but this is because there are a significant number of them. When dealing with smaller campaigns, the reliance on your own audience might not be enough.

For this reason, it might be better to target a type of consumer or build a segment over time that consists of visits.


What you can do with (better) geofencing

Simple geofencing push is no longer as powerful as it used to be. With better accuracy and a slightly different approach, you can still use location to achieve convincing results. Let’s see how.


Marketing and advertising


Geofencing has traditionally been used to target devices as they enter a geofence. The brand would place a radius around its stores, for example. When a device using their app entered these areas, they would be sent a message encouraging them to visit the retail location.

As we’ve already mentioned, this isn’t always accurate in practice. Larger geofences are likely to include devices that aren’t nearby or not inside a competitor store. This can render the advertising message irrelevant.

Another potential issue with geofence targeting is the lack of audience scale. If you are using the technology with your own application, a large audience is required to send messages on the scale needed to shift the needle.

Better geodata means that you can look at device across how it behaves over time. In the moment targeting is effective, but building up a detailed profile and using this to build segments provides you with more reach and better accuracy.

Using location data for geotargeting means that you can target more devices outside of your first-party audience. You can read more about location data for targeting here.


Measurement geofences

Another benefit of using location-based targeting is the ability to measure the effect of location-based marketing or geofencing campaigns. For example, if you target devices based on their proximity to a location, how do you know if they performed the desired goal, especially if this is in the real world.

Using location data to target means that the same technology can be used to confirm if devices visit a retail location after being delivered any kind of advertising. Better accuracy means that you can be certain of a venue visit, rather than just a person walking nearby.

So using accurate POI geofences or polygons can help you to attribute your advertising campaigns. This extends beyond your geofencing campaigns to include your digital advertising, out oh home campaigns, and much more.


The future of geofencing marketing

Geofencing marketing v location targeting

Geofencing in marketing can still be an effective way to reach consumers in the best possible moment. But for brands that want to identify larger groups of relevant consumers, this isn’t always the best solution.

Instead, location-based audience segments offer the best of both worlds. These segments are still based on real-world locations and therefore carry real-world intent. They are scalable because these segments can be built over a longer time period.

Another benefit of these types of campaigns is that you can activate segments directly in your marketing channels.

This means that you don’t need to rely on push in apps. You can use the entire programmatic marketing stack to target users wherever they are.


About Tamoco’s location segments

Our segments provide more scale for marketers looking to do better location targeting. Our first-party data focuses on accuracy, allowing marketers to do more precise geographical based campaigns.

Activate location-based segments today.

Marketing & Advertising

Out Of Home Advertising (OOH) – All You Need To Know In 2023


It’s certainly an exciting time to be involved in the out of home advertising space. The demand for OOH campaigns has remained constant over previous years. Still, as we move into a new decade, the industry is understandably excited about what the future hold for real-world advertising.

A combination of tech advances with the traditional benefits of real-world ads has made the world of OOH unavoidable for many marketers and advertisers. We take a detailed look at the industry, where it’s been and what it might look like in the coming months and years.


What is out of home advertising?

Out of home advertising (OOH) is a form of advertising that can be found outside of a consumer’s home. Traditionally this includes everything from billboards to bus shelters, benches, and everything in-between. If you see an ad outside of your home (and it’s not on your mobile!), then you are most likely looking at some kind of OOH ad.

We all spend time outdoors, and with the growth of digital advertising, it can sometimes be hard to get your message heard. OOH solves this and is now combining with digital advancements to make it a powerful tool for advertisers and marketers.


Types of OOH advertising examples




Tube system, metro, and other travel locations



Street furniture


Benefits of out of home advertising

Out of home advertising can be a brilliant alternative to the world of online digital advertising. It can have limitations; for example, the rise of adblockers has meant that digital ads viewability isn’t always perfect. Combine this with the sheer amount of information that consumers are faced with online, and it’s easy to understand why digital advertising isn’t always the best solution.

With out of home advertising, this isn’t a problem. OOH ads are difficult to avoid, and they can have a significant impact on consumers due to their size and contrast to the real-world environment.

Alongside this, OOH has a positive effect as a complement to digital advertising. One study found that consumers are 48% more likely to interact with a digital ad after being exposed to an OOH ad first.


What you can do with out of home

Create impactful advertising campaigns

The reason that advertisers love OOH advertising is due to the potential impact that it can have on consumers. They take notice of these large OOH ads.

OOH campaigns can’t be ignored, compared to TV, radio, or mobile, which can often be turned off, or the consumer can move to another channel.

Shania Brenson, the founder of 15M Finance, states that “OOH is booming now, so its importance for the company’s future success is undeniable in today’s competitive market. Investing in an impactful OOH campaign can be a smart financial decision for businesses that are looking for practical ways to increase their visibility and drive business growth.”

This means that advertisers can launch highly visual, impactful campaigns that attract the attention of consumers and allow brands to get their message to cut through.


Be creative

Out of home is a great place for creativity to thrive in the world of advertising. Large scale, impactful ad space is a fantastic place for creativity to thrive. Couple this with the need to provide a clear and lasting message, it’s perfect for testing some of your brand’s most creative ideas.

Combine this with the rise of data and new interactivity that is growing in the OOH space, and it’s easy to see why creativity is a key component of OOH campaigns.


Use location intelligently

Out of home advertising is extremely location-driven. Being in the real world, advertisers must consider where to place their ads to have the most significant impact.

With the rise of DOOH and other adtech stacks, advertisers can now do much more with location than previously available.

For example, it’s possible to understand, in real-time, the demographics of consumers that are nearby to OOH ad inventory. Based on this, advertisers can deliver dynamic ads that best suit the consumers at any given moment.

In the same way that digital marketing services have evolved to provide detailed insights and analytics into ad engagement and conversion, OOH advertising has now caught up. Campaign impressions can be measured, and attribution is now possible — all making OOH ads a powerful toolkit for any marketing department.


Purchasing in real-time

In previous years the purchase of OOH ad inventory was a laborious and time-consuming process. Today, digitization and innovation have meant that the time between purchase and viewability has been decreased to minutes.

This means that campaigns can be more adaptive and more likely to engage with consumer’s current surroundings and situations. For example, changing creatives based on the weather.

These advances have meant that the category is growing quickly amongst marketers and advertisers, with much of this growth being attributed to the digitization of the OOH space.


Trends in out of home advertising

The DOOH element of the industry is growing quickly. The industry is expecting to grow rapidly as the revolution that has swept across other areas of advertising and marketing to new heights reaches the OOH industry.

But what is everyone talking about in the industry? What are the trends that will dominate the following decade and beyond? We take a look at what we think will be the key trends as the industry grows and becomes more of a digital proposition.



While the majority of OOH inventory is physical, more digital screens are now a crucial part of OOH campaigns.

Digital screens are providing better optimization, and this means that advertisers can create more personalized messaging. ON top of this, it’s possible to use different kinds of triggers to trigger a more dynamic form of OOH advertising.

This innovation is no longer in its infancy, and advertisers have shown precisely how effective digital OOH can be. As well as this, they have demonstrated the scalability of DOOH.

Better and more accurate data is assisting in these innovations. Advertisers can now offer dynamic media based on the demographic and behavior of mobile devices in real-time.

Real-time advertising is critical, but in reality, it is part of a growing trend in which the industry is becoming a more reactive solution. The large amount of data that marketers now have at their disposal is fueling this. This versatility is driving OOH personalization and leading to fantastic results for advertisers that are using DOOH to achieve their goals.


Purchasing digital OOH media programmatically

A considerable advancement in the space is the Programmatic buying of OOH media.

This was previously a process between the advertiser, digital marketing agency, and the owner of the OOH.

The buying of OOH inventory has not just become automated and available to buy instantly. Still, it is now available in many of the same platforms and locations that marketers can purchase their mobile or display ads. Because of this, advertisers can now build campaigns seamlessly across several channels and mediums, including OOH.

This real-time purchasing also facilitates the use of first and third-party data sets. Encompassing this into campaigns can have the same effect that it has had in the world of digital marketing, namely, maximizing personalization and boosting ROI.


Attribution and measurement

One of the areas where the OOH industry struggled in comparison to digital media is in the area of measurement. Marketers can see detailed insights into the effect that their digital campaigns are having on awareness and conversions, all quantifiable and easily visualized. But now data has enabled this for the OOH industry.

As a result, brands can now see the number of impressions an OOH ad has generated. Analytics and insights have moved on from using surveys to gauge these metrics.

But this innovation with data doesn’t end with impressions. Smart data can help to close the out of home attribution loop. Movement data around store visits can bring digital attribution to the offline world and OOH ads.


Tips for OOH campaigns

As with any kind of marketing campaign, careful planning is crucial to make sure you get the most value from OOH advertising.

We live in a world where the smartphone can dominate attention. So breaking into that is a crucial goal of OOH campaigns. This is, as we have mentioned, becoming easier with the rise of DOOH and other interactive technologies.

Here are some essential tips to make sure that your OOH campaigns are a success, and you get the best return from your OOH budget.


Data is a key tool

One of the most significant transformations to hit the world of advertising and marketing has been the availability of data. This has led to better personalization, improved targeting, and more accurate measurement.

Make sure that where available, you are making use of data in your OOH campaigns. Understand what the options are to use your own datasets to improve your campaigns if buying OOH media programmatically look at how data can improve the results of your campaign.

For marketers, OOH is now an exciting place to be. Data is fuelling innovation and creating powerful DOOH campaigns.

We now have access to a large data ecosystem that wasn’t available ten years ago. These data sets have enabled advertisers to do more with their activities and campaigns.

However, the advertising is only as good as the data the fuels it. Marketers must be aware of the data they are using in DOOH. Third-party data needs to be highly vetted, and direct partnerships with 2nd party providers are a much better solution.


Try a shareable campaign

The best out of home advertising campaigns are designed to create a buzz. These campaigns work better when people are talking about and sharing them.

A great example is a recent campaign around the BBC TV series Dracula – the dynamic and provocative creative was widely shared on social media and became a viral sensation. All because it was the perfect blend of creativity and sharability. I’ve seen other good ones that are localised, for example one for VA Loans in Texas.


Sometimes busier locations are better than more locations

It can be tempting to buy more sites or locations that are cheaper. But with OOH advertising, it can be much better to take a different approach.

To create the most impact, it can be better to choose a high traffic site that will reach as many people as multiple locations.


Less is more with OOH

With out of home, it’s important to make sure your message is simple. Less is more when it comes to OOH because most consumers will only look at your ad for a short period.

With a few seconds of attention, it’s important to keep the number of words to a minimum and to use visuals that are likely to grab attention. The aim is more to intrigue than to inform.


Next steps

Advertisers and marketers

See what you can do with OOH, get started with a campaign, or get the data you need to create a campaign that will smash your goals.

Read more 👉


OOH companies, agencies and inventory providers

Want to offer a smarter solution for brands and advertisers? Get in touch for compelling attribution, measurement, and other data tools that will transform your OOH offering.

Learn more 👉


What is out of home advertising?

Out of home advertising (OOH) is a form of advertising that can be found outside of a consumer's home. Traditionally this includes everything from billboards to bus shelters, benches, and everything in-between. If you see an ad outside of your home (and it's not on your mobile!), then you are most likely looking at some kind of OOH ad.

What are the main types of out of home advertising?

The main types of OOH ads are billboards, Street furniture, POS displays, bus shelters, kiosks, and telephone boxes. As well as this all advertising in transport locations.

Why is out of home advertising important?

OOH advertising is important because it gives brands a chance to communicate with a large number of consumers with powerful messages.

Apps Marketing & Advertising

What Is A Consent Management Platform? All You Need To Know 2020


Since the introduction of more detailed privacy regulations, such as the GDPR and the CCPA, businesses have started to take consumer consent and data privacy seriously.

Consumer data comes in multiple forms, and it’s used for many different purposes, from advertising personalization to monetization.

Because of this, collecting and managing consumer preferences on how all of their data is used across these different use cases is not exactly the simplest of tasks.

Privacy laws have meant that businesses need a robust solution that provides consumers with this choice. Enter the consent management platform (CPM) – a toolkit that is designed to do just this.


What is a CMP

For consumer-facing publishers, there is a huge issue here. These businesses work with multiple partners across the advertising ecosystem. Each partner has numerous uses for consumer data, from advertising to personalization. Asking and managing this consent across an entire user base is a daunting task.

This is where a consent management platform comes in. By collecting user preferences for different data types and different uses and various partners, CMPs provide this functionality.

Think of a CMP of something that sits between the publisher and the user. It informs users about the type of data that the publisher will collect, whether through forms, or another method, and what this data will be used for. It allows consumers to modify these settings, stores this, and gives consumers a chance to opt-out and change these settings.

What this looks like for the consumer is usually a simple dialogue. This dialogue allows them to choose how their data is used. These preferences are stored and ultimately control of how user data moves between the publisher and the broader advertising ecosystem.

As a lot of new privacy regulations require businesses to offer this level of functionality to consumers, consent management software is a vital tool for any modern company.


Why do you need a CPM?

To give users the option to take control of their data.

CPMs provide the consumer with the opportunity to control their data and how it is used. They allow consumers to understand who is using their data and for what for.

CPMs give consumers the ability to revoke this access and update these preferences at any time. The tools then automatically communicate these consumer requests throughout the data supply chain.

This proves detailed control of personal data at an end-user level. This level of functionality puts the user in control and increases trust between a publisher, app, or other consumer-facing platform and the users that ultimately bring them revenue.


To comply with privacy regulation

The main reason that you need a CMP is to comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations. These tools are useful because they can be universally integrated across every consumer-facing platform, allowing companies to comply instantly.

Regardless of whether you’re an EU based business or not, correctly managing user preferences should be a priority. For website owners and publishers, offering users the choice and allowing them to achieve these at any point is fundamental to how regulators see the data-driven world.


To deliver better experiences, improve personalization or monetize user data

First-party data uses still require the same level of opt-in as data that is sent on to third-party solutions.

That means if you are using customer or user data for analytics or insights, you’ll need to implement the choice controls that come with a CPM.

This also applies for personalization, whether first-party page personalization or passing data onto third-parties to deliver personalized ads on your inventory.

As well as this, CPM functionality is required for data monetization or other activities where a user’s personal data is used for monetization purposes.


Are all consent management platforms compliant with GDPR and CCPA?

Well, no. You’ll have to check with the current privacy laws to be 100% sure. An excellent way to understand which CPMs are is to check to see if they use the IAB framework.


IAB transparency and consent framework

The IAB GDPR transparency and consent framework was built to understand what is needed from a CPM from a technical standpoint to comply with the GDPR. If that sounds like a mouthful of acronyms, then don’t worry, it can be a little confusing.

What this does in practice is sets several hoops for CMPs to jump through for their consent management platforms to be GDPR compliant. So, look out for this term when choosing a CPM as it means they have taken the time to verify that they are following best practices according to the leading industry body.

At the time of writing, there is currently no equivalent for the CCPA.


The Tamoco consent platform + SDK

A CMP is a powerful tool that should be implemented anywhere where consumer data is being processed or stored. For these reasons, it makes sense to have a CMP that can cope with large amounts of consumer preferences and can manage these in several different locations and platforms.

The Tamoco CMP collects user preferences in applications. It allows consumers to collect and manage use preference for data collection and data use.

Our CMP is the world’s first mobile-first CMP that allows developers to comply with data privacy legislation such as the GDPR and the CCPA.

With a straightforward integration app developers can take control of their app and deliver privacy management at scale for all of their users.

Marketing & Advertising

Advertising Cookies & Retargeting – What’s Changed + Solutions

It seems that you can’t go anywhere in the world of online advertising at the moment without the conversation moving onto the role of advertising cookies, and what the future holds.

With the implementation of GDPR last year, the California Consumer Privacy Act coming into play in 2020, the cookie has come under increasing pressure.

Combine this with Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention and the whispers that Google is also looking to block third-party cookies, and you can understand why everyone in the space is a little worried about what the future holds for the cookie.

We’re going to look at this future, how the cookie works, and how marketers and advertisers can adjust for any upcoming changes in how the advertising industry uses web cookies.


What are advertising cookies? How do cookies work for advertising?

First of all, what role do cookies play in the world of advertising?

Well, cookies are small code snippets that store information related to how the user behaves on the web. This cookie is stored on the user’s web browser and can be used accessed to store and change data related to the user.

Cookies can store a wide range of information, such as the pages you have visited and for how long.

We can divide these further types:

First-party cookies

First-party cookies are created by the publisher or website owner when a visitor is on their site. Cookies enable website visitor tracking which helps a business understand which user is returning and ensure that the page content is right for that user. Often, this is something like language or another element that helps with the user experience.

These cookies also include analytics, such as Google Analytics, which used cookies to measure how users use the site.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are used in the digital advertising ecosystem for retargeting and for behavioral-based targeting. Adding these types of cookies to pages allows advertisers to understand how users behave across the web. Using these, they can build a profile that can be selected to target with ads that are more personalized to each user.


What are cookies used for?

Advertising cookies can be used for analytics and for managing the user experience. But we are interested in the role that they have in the advertising ecosystem.

Here cookies are used mainly to retarget users based on which site and which pages they have visited. What started as a simple way to deliver products to users who had already seen them has now developed into sophisticated methods to target users that have previously visited a specific page or product.

The other side of the advertising cookie is to build audiences based on profiles. As a user visits a site, this information is used to build a profile for that user. This profile contains information such as age, gender, and interests. These profiles allow marketers to build and create new audiences that are relevant for their product or proposition.


What’s changing

The most significant change to the advertising industry in the last few years has been the drive for transparency and user privacy.

Privacy regulators have introduced legislation that limits how advertising cookies can be used to collect user data. These have created a massive issue for the advertising ecosystem, which relies heavily on third-party cookies to build profiles and target audiences based on behavior.

This is because programmatic advertising relies on these third-party cookies as the basis for user-level targeting and attribution. Without this process, marketers can’t target users with more personalized ads and understand when these ads lead to conversions.

As well as this, the people who bring the internet to users have also started to take a tough stance on the issue. At the time of writing, Apple has already announced an anti-tracking update to its native browsers, which blocks the use of third-party cookies. Firefox has implemented a similar policy, and there are reports that Google, who’s browser user base makes up over 60% of web usage, is looking at a similar process.

Another implication for advertisers is that the world has become more mobile-first since the invention of the web cookie. Users are using apps and mobile solutions much more instead of sitting behind a computer.

With all this, it makes a little more sense that advertisers are worried about how these changes will impact their business. But it’s not all doom and gloom – we have some examples of how advertisers can still deliver personalized ads and retargeting campaigns that work.


Potential solutions

Focus on people and context

Instead of looking at the type of consumer and using this to build audiences, advertisers can focus on context.

Rather than focus on the user, placing greater emphasis on where the user is can be an effective way to target audiences. For example, using keywords to gauge purchase intent. Or using a user’s real-world location or environmental factors to understand factors beyond the user that make them ideal for targeted advertising.


Focus on first-party data and reliable first-party providers

First-party data will become an even more valuable currency for targeting users. Solutions that can combine first-party insights and compliance with privacy regulations will be invaluable for advertisers.

These datasets can help to target consumers reliably and with consent from the end-user. For example, anonymized first-party mobile location can be used to retarget users that have visited a physical store.


Wait for a persistent identifier

A persistent identifier is a solution that is commonly suggested as the ecosystem moves away from the cookie. Using this form of identifier, that sits with the consumer and requires explicit compliance with privacy regulations could be a solution.

The problem here is getting this to exist in one form, that’s standardized and that everyone can agree upon. Some areas of the advertising supply chain have introduced this already – but these don’t follow the same standards, making it difficult for advertisers.


Look at other channels

Advertisers will begin to look at channels that don’t require third-party advertising cookies. These will include traditional channels such as email, TV, and app-based ads.

These systems allow advertisers to use a persistent identifier for personalized advertising and marketing.



Marketers and advertisers will need to think about how they can focus on people based personalization in a world where the advertising cookie no longer exists. First-party data or reliable first-party data providers will become a vital source of behavioral data. Using alternative behavioral information, such as location, is a great way to deliver retargeting and personalization at scale.

Mobile ad IDs are currently universal and tracking identity across the moble infrastructure is much simple than the web. The role of advertising cookies is changing and quickly. People-based advertising and first-party data could well be the solution that the industry is looking for.