Marketing & Advertising

Why proximity marketing could be the solution to ad blocking

Why mobile proximity marketing could be the solution to the ad blocking problem

The marketing industry is concerned about the rise in ad blocking, and rightly so. But by utilising mobile proximity marketing, it’s possible to provide valuable, contextual content that won’t spook users into blocking your ads. 


Why do people block ads?

To offer a simple solution for ad blocking kind of misses the point. It’s first important to look at why audiences are flocking towards ad blockers in the first place. 

People hate bad adverts. That’s a fact. If an advert is annoying then audiences will try to block it. Now, there will always be bad ads in the world – unfortunately, that’s the way it’ll be. But when we do manage to get our content in front of the end user, it’s important that it’s relevant and provides value.

What do we mean when we say that an advert is relevant? Well, we want our content to achieve something – but often this is too forced, irrelevant or just plain annoying for the end user. Therefore, it’s important to follow three golden rules to ensure that you aren’t personally responsible for the growth of ad blockers.


The rules, as we see them

Make your content relevant – This means that your content or advert should be delivered in the right moment for the intended audience. No more adverts for products you’ve already purchased. It also involves personalising your content where possible. 

Make your content valuable – If you can provide value to your audience then guess what, they won’t block your ads. Using context is key here – if you can understand a person’s situation, then you can provide them with a solution that’s might help them in that specific moment. 

Deliver your content at the right time, in the right place – if you can do the above and make sure that you are delivering this in an appropriate manner, then you are well on the way to becoming a valuable advertiser. You’ll be looking at a personalised advertising strategy that is relevant and provides value to the end customer, and who would want to block that?


Proximity mobile marketing as a solution

This is a new, effective way of mobile advertising – one which uses context to deliver valuable content to the user at the right moment, in the right place. 

Many within the industry are calling for frequency caps as a solution for ad blocking, and we agree with the concept. In fact, we have included them in our proximity campaigns since we began running them. This means that users will only receive a notification once over a predefined length of time. We believe that if a person didn’t interact with your advert the first time, then sending it another ten times won’t help. 

Producing content that is valuable is the key to creating great relationships with audiences. Proximity marketing is a great way to do this as it places context at the centre of message delivery. This means that the end user’s location is taken into consideration and the content is personalised to suit this context. 

Moving towards this kind of one-to-one advertising creates an environment where the end user can trust advertisers and feel less inclined to block all kinds of adverts. Proximity marketing as part of an advertising strategy provides this. You can define very specific locations in which to deliver content – an example would be close by to your store, this means that the customer would already be in the right frame of mind for shopping, and less likely to be annoyed by your ad. 

By thinking in this way we will begin to overcome the problems that many advertisers have created. By personalising content and providing it in a relevant context we can then begin to build up consumer’s trust, and ensure that our content reaches users and provided them with value at the same time. 

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Marketing & Advertising

From Location Data To Movement – Why Brands Should Pay Attention

From location to movement – why brands should pay attention.

As marketers are realising the importance of location data, it’s important that they understand the difference between location and movement. They must ensure that the data that informs their strategy is accurate. 


What are location signals?

Location signals are useful for many different kinds of marketing, and can even provide value for a wide range of businesses beyond this domain. When a mobile device notices a location sensor, it can discern its position in relation to this sensor. This occurs in the background, the user does not have to be on their phone. As most people carry their mobile device on them regularly, this means that it’s possible to understand audience behaviour in a multitude of places. This has not been possible before. This is what we call the offline world and it’s an area that is incredibly useful to understand for a variety of reasons. Offline to online marketing is becoming more accessible for brands as the results of its effectiveness come in. 


Why location signals should be accurate

If “data is the new oil” then the quality needs to be considered by those buying the data. Many location data providers are sourcing unreliable location signals. These individual signals are often only from one sensor and can often be misleading for the end data user. By using a series of different location sensors and multiple location points location data becomes more reliable and actionable. Much location data that is sourced from older methods are broken. This needs to be fixed. Accurate location signals combined with complex layering of location data means a moment away from individual, vague location signals towards audience movement – a leap that is much more beneficial for mobile marketers.  


The move towards movement data

It’s important to note that there may be single location signals which do not accurately represent a person’s behaviour. A great example of this is receiving a location signal which places a device close by to a brand’s store. This seems useful for the brand, but multiple data points are instead required to create a detailed profile for this person. Using one location point doesn’t tell us if the person is entering or leaving the store. We don’t know where they came from. We don’t know which section of your store they visited. These extra points are accessible with a network approach to location data. That’s the benefit that we have over deploying sensors only inside your store.

Movement data is much more valuable as it demonstrates a person’s intentions and provides much more context around audience behaviour. By using multiple signals it’s possible to get a much deeper understanding of customers and to eliminate potential data outliers. 


Layers of location data and complete understanding of consumers

As a brand looking to get the most from accurate location data, it becomes important to focus on this movement instead of individual location. It also means creating multiple layers of location behaviour and building complex understanding of audiences in the offline world. This means constructing accurate profiles around audiences and providing context to understand how and why customers are interacting with your venue or product. For example – realising that someone commutes from an affluent borough and works nearby a jewellery store would constitute a context ripe for marketing for said upmarket jewellery store. 

It’s these layers of location data that build up complex contextual audience profiles and facilitates accurate attribution and allows brands to communicate with their audience with personalised one-to-one marketing. 


Application in mobile marketing

Movement signals become extremely valuable for business when applied to mobile marketing. In-depth location data allows brands to communicate one-to-one with their audiences. By understanding the customer journey completely brands can deliver content to audiences that are relevant and valuable to the end user. This level of personalisation involves communicating with audiences in certain locations. This is the traditional application for mobile location data, but this is just the initial step once we have a large number of movement data. 

There are multiple applications beyond content delivery based on movement. Large scale data around consumers offline activity provides incredible insightsthat brands can act upon across their entire marketing strategy. You might realise that many of your customers work nearby, and browse your products on their lunch break. Maybe most visitors come via a specific tube station. This is valuable information when thinking about OOH advertising or store planning. The development from location signals to complex audience movement data should be at the centre of any effective marketing strategy. 

Another area where this is applicable is retargeting. Movement data can help to segment audiences and target people who are further along the consumer journey. This means a much higher ROI and by reaching audiences at the right time with the right content, more effective results. The important aspect of a network approach to this is that this movement data can be understood in external locations – not just inside your own venues. 

It turns out that not all location data was created equally. It’s now time for marketers to push their marketing strategies towards movement.

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Marketing & Advertising

Location data and retail – optimising OOH

Retail brands can utilise location data in order to optimise their OOH advertising and gain offline attribution based on store visits. 


What is location data

For retailers, it’s important to understand what is going on in and around your store.

This kind of retail insight is already available for online adverts. You can tell how many people view your advert, click it and purchase your product. But in the real-world physical store, the customer journey becomes more difficult to pin down. How can you determine the effectiveness of your out-of-home, physical advertising? Offline consumer attribution involves using accurate, proximity location data to understand how audiences react to your out-of-home advertising.

When we talk about location data, we are talking about understanding how consumers move in and around your retail space. This is what we like to call the offline world. Understanding it is valuable for brands and can present information that can dramatically improve footfall and sales. According to a recent report, over 96% of surveyed marketers believe that location data is a key part of their mobile marketing strategy. My question is – what were the other 4% thinking?


An accurate solution to an old problem

Retail brands are beginning to realise that this is important and that it’s a crucial part in any successful retail marketing strategy. What brands might not realise is how accurate this data can be, and the effect this can have on OOH advertising. Location data is precise – and provides an accurate understanding of the customer journey. With the right proximity sensors, you can measure this journey with an accuracy of up to 1m. 

This accuracy is provided by the number and precision of the sensors on our proximity network. This delivers valuable insights into retail environments, and how consumers move. One application of this data is to measure the effectiveness of OOH and redefine how your OOH works. 

It’s currently quite difficult to measure how real-world adverts are performing. Attribution is key for the modern marketer and It’s not always apparent where footfall traffic is coming from. Location data solves this problem by allowing unprecedented insights into the journey to store and to purchase. 


Let’s look at how this could work for retail brands.

Using location data, you can understand when a user is in front of your advert. You can then use in-store sensors for attribution – to understand which users then visited your store because of the OOH. 

Very quickly this can give insights into how your physical adverts are performing. You can understand which customers respond best to your OOH and determine how much of your footfall traffic is being generated from these adverts. This provides an accurate ROI for physical advertising.

With the accuracy of proximity sensors it’s possible to even determine which area of the store users visit after viewing OOH. This kind of insight is unprecidented and provides numerous advanatages for brands that implement this strategy. 

These insights are highly actionable for brands. For example, using real-time location data marketers can adjust OOH advertisements in real-time depending on footfall data.

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Marketing & Advertising

Location data and the leap towards smart advertising

Brand advertising is changing thanks to location data. It’s becoming much more personal and the relationship between advertiser and consumer is evolving.


Connecting the offline and the online

Location data is leaving its mark on marketing and advertising. Huge amounts of data on what goes on in the offline world is allowing brands to change the way they communicate with their customers.

Location data provides insights into the offline world. This works by understanding where a mobile device is in relation to a proximity sensor. This allows brands to understand the customer journey in great detail, and more towards more personalised, intelligent advertising.


Personalisation is key for marketers and advertisers

Before these kinds of insights were possible, brands used targeted adverts to reach their audience. The advert was often the same regardless of who engaged with it. There was little place for personalisation. The impact of accurate location data has produced the move away from this traditional method of advertising to new personalisation strategies and the desire for brands to create a one-to-one relationship between brands and their customers. This kind of advertising enjoys much higher engagement rates.

This is happening because of location data. It provides the insights that can facilitate this new kind of advertising as it paints a clearer picture of what is going on in the offline world. Personalised advertising is booming and should form an essential part of any digital strategy.


Answering the why and how

It’s now possible to understand the consumer journey in great detail. Methods of collecting location data have made this scalable, allowing brands to create a complex understanding of the behaviour and interaction of large audiences.

These insights answer important questions around consumer behaviour. This level of insight has previously been unattainable. Brands can now confidently answer the why question confidently. That is – why consumers are in certain locations at certain times and why they are interacting with certain brands or products. This attribution is now extended to the offline world.

It provides brands with the ability to learn and adapt in ways that have previously been impossible. This allows brands to be able to answer complex questions surrounding their customers, products and marketing strategy. With location data, brands can build up complex understandings of their customers and locations. This helps to answer important questions, such as why is footfall up on Wednesdays? Or why a certain product is outselling another?


A complete, smarter kind of advertising

Brands are utilising this and developing a much more effective way of communicating with their customers. This involves a one-to-one method of advertising. This feels personal and relevant for the customer and provides them with value. Audiences get content that is appropriate to their situation, rather than annoying adverts that they don’t want or need. Location data is changing digital and mobile marketing, and the way in which brands and audiences communicate.

Contextual advertising and location-based mobile marketing is the best way to personalise the experience. This level of personalisation, based on experience, is part of the driving force towards a new kind of advertising.

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Marketing & Advertising

The huge opportunity that Apple’s NFC announcement presents

Apple has announced support for NFC tags on their newest phone and watch models. Whilst Android has supported the technology since 2010, Apple is now joining the party and allowing brands to connect with millions of extra smartphone users.

As the world looks towards mobile first, there are still many wide-ranging applications for NFC at different stages of the customer journey. NFC is effective at engaging with lingering audiences in specific environments. We’ve been running this kind of campaign for brands for over four years. Here are a few ways that brands can utilize them to engage with their mobile customers.


Interactive content

Brands can use NFC as a part of their existing physical advertising strategy by adding interactivity to real-world advertising. This adds another dimension to your advertising and allows customers to access digital content through the physical world.

NFC tags vastly improve product engagement inside a store or venue. The tags are very small and can be placed inside product labels. Tapping the tag with a device can reveal product information and ensure that your message directly reaches the customer when they in the optimal micro-moment.

For stores or venues, the possibilities are endless. Think making your food order by tapping the item on the menu. Or for stores that have large items, it’s possible to tap an assembled item in a showroom to arrange for collection or delivery at the end of the store journey.


App downloads

Have you recently seen a physical advertisement for an app and liked the look of it? The customer journey from this moment to downloading the app to your device is lengthy and there’s a high potential for audiences to not get past in the App Store search bar. With NFC you can simply tap your device on the advert and it will automatically take you to the relevant page.

For brands with a dedicated app, this can help to drive sales and app downloads simultaneously. Improving the customer journey from advert to download should be a priority for app-driven businesses.


Drive social campaigns

Brands can utilise NFC to allow audiences to quickly engage with and add a social element to their campaigns. Whether it’s tap to check in or tap to follow/like a brand page, NFC provides an interactive social aspect to physical advertising. Nearly every active consumer is linked to a social media account and engaging with this can provide brands with long-term value from a single interactive engagement.

Beyond the immediate like or check-in, it’s important for brands to look at the lifetime value of having someone engage with their social media account. NFC makes this interaction simpler for the consumer.


Insights for brands

As with all aspects of mobile marketing – insights are key for brands that are keen to develop their mobile marketing strategy and understand their customers. NFC campaigns provide value beyond engagement by offering brands in-depth insights around the audiences that interact with their content. This provides the opportunity to retarget those who engage with their brand. Social tags can provide further insights into audiences. It’s possible to retarget users based on social brand interaction and NFC can facilitate this.

Tamoco is already well placed to help brands benefit from NFC tags. We’re monitoring what the Apple announcement will mean for NFC accessibility – whether it will be a native feaature, or require an seperate app to activate. But the general consensus is that brands will now have a much larger audience at their disposal, and can utilise the power of NFC tags to drive engagement.  Connecting the offline product and the online world with NFC technology can help brands to create more relevant relationships with their audiences.

Apple’s history of avoiding NFC seems to be a thing of the past. Tamoco is on the cutting edge of NFC technology – we’ll be working closely with brands to reach new audiences using NFC. Get in touch to discuss how to plan your mobile marketing strategy once the new devices ship later this year.

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How to Drive Brand App Engagement With Location Data

Adding location to your brand’s mobile app will improve engagement and drive downloads.

As an app publisher, it’s important to keep your audience interested and engaged. Nobody wants to slip into a folder on the third page of the home screen. To keep users fascinated by your app, it’s crucial that you provide them with content that is relevant and provides them with value. One way of doing this is with location.

Apps are integral parts of daily micro-moments, with users spending on average over 30 hours per month in apps. These micro-moments are important for brands to connect with their customers and it’s here that apps create relationships with their audiences.

A mobile app can complement a brand’s offline experience, drive online sales, or just connect with audiences. One thing that improves all of these experiences is location.


Location and engagement for brand apps

Most users are downloading brands app for mainly practical reasons. Maybe it’s to track their orders or find physical real world locations without having to attempt to navigate their mobile browser. But what if it was possible to provide value to users beyond this.

Using location, you can push to your users based on where they are. Further, it’s possible to achieve this at relevant times. For example, you can send a notification to your app audiences when they are close by to a physical store, with promotions, connecting the digital to the physical store. Users who have a positive experience of an app are more likely to keep them installed. Apps that ease their daily lives are valuable, and contextual notifications are valuable for apps.

An example of this can be informing users of offers in nearby places. Understanding where your app is used and prompting them with solutions when in these locations before they even think to use your app as a solution. For example, imagine you have a high street clothes store app on your phone. When you walk into the store you look at your phone to see a notification with something along the lines of “welcome to [insert your store name], head to the third floor for 30% off lingerie”. You can even know that the user has been searching for lingerie already on your app and segment the delivery of these notifications to those whom it’s most relevant. Personalisation is key with proximity mobile marketing.


Driving in-app sales

For all those e-commerce apps out there, number one is sales. How can you drive sales and ensure that you are targeting the right app users with the right notifications? Well, using the Tamoco proximity SDK you can understand how your users behave. That means if you are an online meal delivery app, you can gain insights into which app users have visited venues on your order list. You could then, for example, send a notification to users that reads something along the lines of “why not enjoy [insert restaurant name] for dinner tonight. Available through [insert your app]. Again this provides huge value for the user, optimises your mobile marketing spend and boosts in app sales.

Using the Tamoco analytics platform you can see where your users are making purchases and generate insights around their behaviour. All this is crucial to understanding how audiences are engaging with your app.

Don’t get lost in the app store back catalogue. Make sure that your app engages and reengages with audiences using location via the Tamoco proximity SDK.

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Marketing & Advertising

The 5 steps to creating an effective proximity campaign

If you’d like to know more about mobile proximity marketing, then you’re in the right place. We’ve put together 5 key steps for mobile marketing success.


Step 1 – What are you trying to promote?

This is where you’ll develop a better understanding of your product. If you’ve previously run campaigns with Tamoco you’ll already have a much better understanding of which products provide the most engagement through mobile. But don’t worry if not. Our team is here to help. We can run listening campaigns to help find where your ideal customer is and where is best to target them.


Step 2 – What’s your offer or call to action?

Again, previous campaign data will provide concrete results on this. The point to make here is that it’s not necessarily all about giving something away for nothing. With proximity mobile marketing the consumer sees your advert when it’s relevant. Some of our most successful campaigns have simply notified audiences of relevant venues and products. If it’s relevant to the user, then there’s a high chance they’ll be interested, regardless of huge discounts.


Step 3 – Where should a user receive your notification?

There are a few options here. It depends mainly on the product you are trying to push. It also depends a lot on your competitors.  You can run footfall campaigns that are triggered in locations that are close by to your venue. Audiences will probably have shopping on the mind when in an area close to your store. Therefore, they are much more likely to respond to your content. As a rule of thumb, customers are much more likely to visit if they are nearby, rather than at home in their PJs.

Another option is location triggering around a competitor. Reaching users as they are about to enter a similar store always works well as a proximity campaign. These audiences are already in the right frame of mind to buy your product. A tailored notification could be just the trick to inspire a visit to your store or to generate interest in your product.


Step 4 – When should your content be delivered?

Timing is important in creating highly personalised content and it provides value for the consumer. Why send a notification for ice-cream when there’s a storm? Why encourage visits to your bar at 9 am? Other methods of marketing don’t differentiate and this can just waste marketing spend. Proximity notifications can be triggered based on a multitude of factors, from the weather to the time of day, allowing for you to increase personalisation and optimise spend.


Step 5 – Attribution

No that’s not it. We like to help brands measure and understand their marketing efforts. We can accurately measure the effectiveness of proximity campaigns using the tech on our network. In-venue sensors will measure store activity. This allows for great measurement of ROI and helps for businesses of all kinds to gain a better understanding of customer behaviour.

It also means you can retarget those who are interested in your brand or product. Campaign data is valuable for retargeting purposes, and you can improve marketing efficiency throughout various channels.

Of course, the very nature of personalised advertising can be much more complicated than this. That’s why we recommend that you get in touch with our team. We’d be more than happy to suggest the best campaign for your budget and assist you with any further questions that you may have.

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Marketing & Advertising

Retail, the IoT and the stores of the future

It’s a hot topic at the moment – how will retail adapt to the current challenges facing brick and mortar stores?

Online shopping is on the rise and customers are using stores as showrooms whilst purchasing elsewhere. Retailers are looking to bridge the gap between the growing digital world and the traditional in-store experience.

A recent report states that over 70 percent of retailers are now looking to invest in IoT tech to improve their in-store experience. Further, 90 percent are looking to incorporate mobile into their in-store experience. The IoT and proximity tech is becoming more popular in the retail space. Here’s how retailers are using it to find omnichannel solutions to the big retail problems.


Using the IoT to personalise the customer retail experience

Personalising the mall or store experience will boost in-store engagement rates. Deployed IoT sensors can measure where users are in real-time. Targeting users based on their location is one solution for retailers. These proximity campaigns create value for the customer. By receiving advertising content when it’s most relevant, shoppers are more engaged.

Proximity sensors are now accurate up to one meter. Combining these with the connected IoT delivers content to shoppers when they are in highly specific locations. Reaching consumers in this moment personalises the shopping experience and it also improves brand image. The retail store of the future will be an individual experience and the in-store experience will need to be adapted accordingly. One benefit of the IoT and proximity is that it works in real time. This means in-store content can update live, depending on who’s in front of it. It’s in these micro moments that retail personalisation will be most prevalent. This will create high value for retail brands.

Digital customer engagement will help create smart retail spaces. For example, using in-store location to order out of stock products. Or even using digital channels to order in-store products for home delivery. Some retailers are even trying to implement the delivery of in-store items to your car. Adding personalisation and convenience to the buying journey is key for retailers. The best way to achieve this is through the internet of things and its accompanying location enabled tech.


Leverage data from the IoT for insights.

Digitalising the in-store shopping experience isn’t where this story ends. Using proximity networks it’s possible to gain real-time insights into your customers. The IoT consists of millions of proximity sensors which can shed light on how your retail space operates. Customers make purchases on multiple devices and in many different ways. It’s important for retailers to understand these trends and incorporate them into their omnichannel retail strategies. It’s about understanding how your customers are interacting with your brand. The IoT makes it possible to understand where to reach customers elsewhere on the buying journey.

Using the internet of things to understand how your customers move and interact with your retail store must be high priority for retailers. Location data from proximity sensors can help inform this. This data provides insights on how advertising or promotions affect store visits in real-time. Marketing activity can be measured based on cost per visit. Or even to understand the performance of in-store promotions.

The internet of things is growing quickly. Along with the accompanying proximity tech it will change the retail landscape. Make sure your brand is on board.

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