
App Design vs Functionality – Which Is More Important – App UX and UI

Finding the right balance between design and functionality when creating your mobile app can be a challenge.

The last thing you want is a dull and boring design; you want an app with stunning aesthetics that dazzles users and makes you stand out from your competition.

On the other hand, you don’t want your app design to come at the expense of the user experience.

In this article, we’ll discuss how design and functionality go hand in hand and which one you should invest in when building a mobile app.

Functional mobile app design – enhancing the experience

Ideally, design and functionality should work together. You should design your app in such a way as to enhance the user experience.

For example, you should design the menu in such a way as to make it easy for your users to navigate the app and access the most important features, without distracting them with too many options.

Minimalism and functional design

When creating an app design with functionality in mind, you have to find the right balance between minimalism and enough features.

Some people will try to spice up with their app with all kinds of shiny features. Too much choice can be a source of distraction for visitors and prevent them from finding the essential information.

On the other hand, some will aim for a minimalist design, opting for a sleek design with plenty of white space. However, getting too caught up with creating a minimalist design can sometimes cause you to leave out relevant information.

Let’s look at some popular sites to make this point. Google’s homepage is an excellent example of how minimalism can work. The site was designed for a single purpose – inputting a query into the search engine – and that’s precisely what their homepage is designed to do.

But if we look at something like Amazon, it is far from a minimalist website. But, all of their features all work together towards a single goal.

Think about Amazon’s features. You can read reviews, find recommended and related products, look at product information and details, add products to your wish lists or shopping carts, and much more.

However, these features are all designed with one goal in mind – nurturing you towards to purchasing a product.

Functionality over design

There may be times when you only have the resources to invest in either the app’s functionality or its design. At that point, you’ll have to decide what is more important for your users.

Think about it this way: A poorly designed app may not entice new users the same way an app with a stylish design would. On the other hand, an app that is stylish but is difficult to use and figure out will probably have a low retention rate.

When comparing the two, functionality should generally be your main priority. If your app isn’t good at fulfilling any purpose, it won’t matter if it is aesthetically pleasing.

Taking inspiration from the web

Many successful websites don’t have much when it comes to design, but they are successful because they are so great at fulfilling their purpose and function. They know how to optimise their site, introduce a PWA or go for a mobile app.

Take Google, for example. Their main website is still mostly a search box in the middle of an almost-empty page.

Craigslist is one of the most popular free advertising sites (it’s number one in the Shopping > Classified category according to SimilarWeb), and its design hasn’t changed much for a long time. It’s outdated and it is as a bit of an eye-sore, but it serves its purpose.

Reddit is another example. Both their website and their mobile app feature a simplistic design, without many bells and whistles. However, Reddit is one of the most popular social media sites – according to Alexa, it’s the fifth most popular site in the United States across all categories.

Reddit doesn’t need to be aesthetic. It’s designed for reading, and their simple design is best for that purpose.

Reddit’s recent redesign cleans up the site, gives it a modern look and makes it more aesthetically pleasing without interfering with its simplicity, functionality and ease of use.

The same main essential functions are still in place – threads from SubReddits you are subscribed to appear on the left side of the page, the button for creating a new post is on the right side, your profile and inbox are in the upper-right corner, and homepage search filters are in the upper-right area.

Even the old site, which looks quite outdated, is still preferred by many users and can be accessed at

This shows you that you can update your design without changing the way users navigate and use the site.

Of course, if you are focusing on functionality over design, your app has to be useful and fulfil a real need.

That way, even though users may not be dazzled at first glance, they will still stay around once they see the benefits of using your simple app.

Design over functionality

If you focus on design and neglect functionality, it will be a lot harder to bring in functionality in later on.

Good design won’t help you if the user experience is terrible. Users may be impressed initially, but they’ll get frustrated and delete the app if there are too many distractions or it is hard to figure out how to get things done.

While the design can always be updated, it will be hard to fit functionality into an app design that wasn’t built for it. At that point, you’ll have to make fundamental changes, which may end up ruining the work that you have already done. Make sure you check multiple UX designer portfolios before you focus on design. 

The case for design

For app developers design is still essential. Google, Craigslist, and Reddit were all unique innovations when they came out.

They didn’t have to set themselves aside from the rest because their function already distinguished themselves. 

However, you need to stand out from your competitors and build up a brand image, and a great way to do that is through your design.

If the function were the only thing that mattered, all e-commerce websites would look exactly the same, and all blogs would look like one another. There would be nothing to differentiate from one to the next.

That’s not to say that design should be your top priority. As mentioned above, functionality should generally be given priority.

However, if you do have the resources available, it’s worth setting aside at least some of your budget and effort into creating a unique design. It doesn’t have to be fancy; it just has to be something that reflects your brand image. You can also try gamification in business as a strategy to improve your design.

What to consider when redesigning your app

As mentioned, if you have limited resources, it’s best to focus on functionality first.

Some organisations will redesign their app in an attempt to bring back users when download and usage rates are going down.

At that point, you have to take into consideration the effects of creating an entirely new experience. This could make it difficult for existing users. These users may be used to the old design and might not welcome new changes.

Let’s go back to Reddit as an example. The new design is more aesthetically pleasing, but it doesn’t affect the primary functions of the app.

The app displays topics on the left-hand side. Clicking on a title will take you to the threat, where you can browse through comments and leave your own.

To create a new post, click on the button on the right side. You can find your inbox in the top-right corner.

You can still upvote or downvote threads on the left side of the home page. And so on.

Not only that, but Reddit gave users who prefer the old version the ability to continue using it. This way, everyone is happy. New users see an aesthetically pleasing design and old users can stick to what works for them.

What to avoid

Snapchat, on the other hand, changed the functionality of their app with their latest redesign.

The redesign moved stories together with messages. The order of the stories also got changed, making it harder for many users to find stories of the people who interested them most.

There was also the introduction of the Discover feature, where users could discover news updates about pop culture and stories from celebrities.

This led to many users complaining about how they prefer the old version. According to TechCrunch, 83 per cent of user reviews bashed the new design.

Unfortunately, there was no option for sticking with the old version; the redesign update affected all users.

According to the Verge, the redesign cost Snapchat millions of users in just a single quarter.

Conclusions and key takeaways

So, what can you take away from this article? Here are some points to consider:

● If you can only afford to focus on one, focus on functionality first.

● Where possible, create a simplistic design at the beginning that sets you apart from your competitors without allocating the majority of your resources to it.

● The design can always be updated once your app is functional.

● When upgrading your app, be wary of entirely redesigning its look. Instead, try to retain its core features, functions, and navigational settings.

Function and design go hand in hand. The need for one doesn’t negate the need for the other. It’s all about setting priorities and allocating your resources accordingly.


The Challenges Facing Location Data & Location Intelligence In 2020

What is location data and location intelligence

In 2019 the number of connected devices will continue to grow to its highest ever. With more devices and increased sensors, the amount of data generated will explode.

It will be more accessible than ever before to use data to inform everything from business intelligence to advertising. Location-based data will be more accurate than ever before. These factors will mean it be used more commonly in areas where big data can have a profound effect.

Across a wide range of industries location data and location intelligence is helping to maintain a competitive edge. It is being used to deliver insights that have previously been inaccessible.

Location intelligence is the practice of using location data to achieve business outcomes. The process uses mobile devices and sensors to visualise and enrich understanding of how devices move in the real world.

The growing amount of precise data available will provide some challenges for those in the industry.

Privacy concerns will remain front and centre as they have done for most of 2018. Data quality is still an issue that many providers need to address. Businesses will need to find an effective and seamless method of consuming and getting the most value from location data.

Here’s what we think will be the biggest challenges facing the location data and location intelligence industry.


Challenges in location data

With this in mind, what are the biggest challenges that location faces in 2019?


Consent and privacy concerns

2018 saw the introduction of GDPR in Europe.  In the US the upcoming CCPA act data privacy will still be front and centre in the data community. We are quickly moving towards a world where each individual will have control over their data.

Businesses using location data will need to take a similar approach. It’s pivotal to allow the individual to take control of their data. Companies must inform users of how their data is used. They must provide clear opt-in and opt-out solutions so that transparency can be placed at the centre of the big data revolution.

Businesses that utilise location data will need to be clear on how they collect and use consumer data. Location data providers need to have a clear opt-in process that allows consumers to understand how their data is used.

Data providers should provide solutions at the point of collection which allow them to manage consent preferences all the way through to the point of data use.


Data quality and standardisation

Many businesses look at a lack of accuracy in the location data that fuels location intelligence as a big challenge for the industry.

With the growth of geodata, many new providers have offered sub-par datasets with limited accuracy. These providers often have little transparency in how their data is collected and how accurate it is. For the proper application of location data, businesses need to be able to verify the data collection methodology.

The most accurate providers will be able to verify their first-party data sets. They can provide a detailed explanation around data collection. Accuracy in location data can be useless when it is just a metre out.

To avoid these poor data sets, location intelligence solutions should actively verify and remove inaccuracies in the data. The space requires a clear and transparent process for data users to see the entirety of the process, from collection to use.

For example, Tamoco is providing an extra data set which provides a clear and transparent rating for every data point collected. Our visits dataset demonstrated the accuracy of each datapoint. It can be used by business to filter out inaccuracies. It also provides transparency, allowing the end data user to understand data collection and data methodology.


Being ready to consume the data

More industries are looking to benefit from location intelligence. It will be more critical than ever for these businesses to be ready to consume the dataset.

For some, the use of location data to understand movement patterns will be a new data source. Providing a dataset that is ready for instant consumption will be a crucial challenge for many location intelligence providers.

Another challenge will be creating a solution that allows business to combine and manipulate location data alongside current datasets. This will maximise the effect that location intelligence can have on business functions.

There will be a move towards integrated solutions that will work as a service for location intelligence. With standardisation, it will become easier for companies to ingest large amounts of location data.


Effectively cleaning and normalising the data.

Many businesses that are interested in location data have concerns when processing data. Location data can be a challenge to clean and normalise for a business’ analytics or other functions.

These challenges usually involve transforming the data into a workable format. Verifying the data is up to date, and accurate is another issue for companies using location data.

A related but slightly different challenge is being able to understand when the data is appropriate for specific analytics.

At Tamoco we are working closely with our partners to create a data source that is thoroughly verified and cleaned. Our sensor driven approach makes us industry leading concerning accuracy and provides a more precise base to clean our data for customer use.

In 2019 location data providers will need to work closely with their customers to understand the data cleansing process. They must provide standardised documentation and solutions that help partners to get the most from the data.

The potential for location data remains enormous. In 2019 challenges in data collection and processing will need to be addressed. Fine-tuning a robust process that addresses security concerns will be the highest priority. Developing and managing the standardisation of location data will be another.


Location Data And Location Intelligence In 2021 – What To Expect

What is location data and location intelligence

In 2019 the number of connected devices will produce more data than ever before. As this increases the data will become fundamental to many industries and businesses.

Data will fuel everything from city planning to advertising and marketing. Location-based data will be more accurate than ever before, and it will be used more in areas where big data has already had an initial impact.

Across many industries, location data and location intelligence is proving to be a powerful tool for companies looking to maintain a competitive edge. It is being used to deliver insights that have previously been inaccessible. In 2019 accurate and precise location data will be leveraged to generate new insights and power better understandings of behaviour and movement.

Location intelligence is the practice of using location data to achieve business outcomes. This uses mobile devices and sensors to visualise and enrich understanding of how devices move in the real world.

These interactive data sets are used alongside a business’ current solutions to create a powerful competitive edge and optimise business functions.

With strong roots in advertising location data and location intelligence are increasingly being utilised in new verticals from finance to planning and construction. In 2019 location data will be more commonplace, and location intelligence solutions will be fundamental to the success of many different businesses.


The future of location intelligence in 2019

With the rise of location data and location intelligence businesses will see new use cases and more powerful datasets.

Changes that we expect to see in the space will include the following:


Combining datasets

The next step for location data sets is combining with extra information to enhance the value for data users.

In 2019 data providers will provide more detail around datasets as standard. Demographics and other metadata will add value out of the box. As well as this there will be an increased number of businesses that will combine their datasets with identifiers in the location data to improve functionality and create new ways of understanding existing datasets.

This also means that it should be clear and transparent which data sets are used. Providers should have a standardised way that business can filter and understand which data points should be ingested and used alongside the correct datasets.

In 2019 location data will be more transparent and more accessible to use alongside existing customer datasets to maximise business functions. By linking location data businesses will instantly have a more detailed view of their customers or relevant segments.


More uses

Location intelligence is beginning to gain prevalence outside of the marketing industry.

A considerable majority of marketers (82%) are now planning on upscaling their use of location data over the next two years.

As location data use in marketing reaches a critical point, we will begin to see it adopted more readily in other industries and feature in new use cases.

As more organisations document and formalise their use of location intelligence the value of these datasets will become more apparent and are adopted outside of the traditional verticals, such as marketing and advertising.

While marketing and advertising are still the most common use case for location data and location intelligence; there is a dramatic increase in both the number of industries that say they will invest more in the technology and those that already have.

Expect to see location data involved as a fundamental part of any effective BI strategy. Understanding device movement with precision will fuel predictive capabilities. Location intelligence will be widespread in everything from City planning through to logistics, automation and investment.

New use cases will emerge. Location data will be used to understand global trends for journalistic purposes to understanding environmental changes and populations.


Data accuracy and quality

New industries will require better accuracy and a better way of consuming the insights that location data can provide.

In 2019 we will move away from talking about postcodes and large scale geofencing. Instead expect to see granularity, three-dimensional location and precise location intelligent solutions.

Businesses must take advantage of a focus on accuracy in the industry and start visualising and analysing datasets at a deeper geographic level.

Many businesses are currently using geographic boundaries such as postcodes or large geofences around more extensive areas.

The technology is now much more granular than this and businesses should be aware of the new and custom functionalities that the leading location data solutions can provide.

Expect to see more detailed datasets that include variables to filter out inaccuracies and other data points that are not useful for the end data user. These processes will become automatic in 2019, and the best providers will be able to boast systems that can automatically detect these outliers in the data.


Analysing the data

As big data becomes fundamental to many organisations, more datasets will be available.

More data types mean better unification is needed for customers because of this 2019 will see the emergence of LaaS (Location as a service).

Ready to use location platforms will empower businesses to leverage the unique insights that location data offers. It will allow them to visualise and digest insights easily. It will support manipulation of data and provide functionality to integrate these into current business functions and solutions.

These platforms will be closer to real-time than before and provide more granular insights that will allow businesses to act immediately on these insights.

The experts in precise location

Get in touch to get ahead with location intelligence or to see how you can use location data to benefit your business.

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Business Data

5 Amazing Ways Big Data is Transforming the Education Sector 

Big data and Education are closely interconnected as it helps school, colleges, universities, institutions and many more educational organizations to make the overall decision about in the organization’s overall outpace, scholastic outreach, and much more. 

Big data analytics in education will not only help in academic performance but also increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the faculty as well as technology. 

The educational Sector these days prefer big data in education as it makes sure to reduce business expenditure which will eventually be beneficial for the organization. 

Not only the present time, but data for education will enable you to predict different trends that will be adopted in the future in the respective industries. It leads the employees to have better planning which will help in the overall development of the education sector. 

Image Source: IntechOpen 

As rightfully said by Chris Lynch, an American Writer of Books “Big data is at the foundation of all the megatrends that are happening.” So, your educational institution and students will for sure benefit from big data. 

Importance of Learning About Big Data

Big Data helps all learners, students, professors, teachers and individuals involved in the educational sector to understand the overall strategies as well as the individualized learning process.  

Image Source: Springer Open 

Let’s get familiar with the importance of studying/researching big data in the education sector: 

  • Big data helps to map student learning by measuring the teaching-learning process of the classroom. 
  • According to Salt Lake Tribune data for education not only helps teachers and students but is also equally significant for financial and administrative management. 
  • In general, the cost-saving process will be quick, simple, efficient and easy to adapt with not much confusion. 
  • You can do individual manual searches or studies based on the initial search as per your own preferences and requirements. 
  • Along with big data and affordable writing services, you can increase accessibility and save costs. 

The list simply goes on and on so we have concluded the importance of learning about education data analysis in the best five points. 

Ways Big Data is Transforming the Education Sector

Even today many people think and assume that big data is significant when it comes to only business. But this is not a precise piece of information. 

Not only in business but big data is important for the financial market, detection of fraud, newly adapted smart traffic system, the healthcare industry, the government sector, media and much more. Along with all these sectors the Education sector is one of the most important sectors. 

As we already know about the importance of big data, let’s get familiar with all the ways big data is transforming the education sector. 

Find Out Strengths of Students 

Learning about big data doesn’t only solve short-term problems rather it focuses more on long-term things. It will help students to analyze, influence, discover and ascertain long-term goals. This will eventually help them out in the future. 

Big data can be helpful for students and teachers as it will help them gain better information about all the possibilities that are likely to appear in the upcoming days. This way they will get better to sort of thing and tackle all of the hassles that come through their path. 

Not only about the overall prospects but big data will also help them have a better understanding of themselves. 

Improve the Grading 

When an educational institution decides to let big data foreplay in their institution, they will be able to gain information about all the tracks and records of the students. 

This way the teachers will be able to gather all the fields that interest students through which creativity and collaboration will increase in the learning process. Students can gain what they want and teachers can get the proper feedback through which they can help students improve. 

Not only this but it has a long positive impact as this way they can gain all the necessary skills which will eventually help them in their career path. Hence, this way big data will help to transform the overall education sector. 

Targeted International Recruiting 

The application process is considered one of the most important factors in the education sector. More the number, the better as when more students enroll for better education more amazing students will gain quality education. 

This education will eventually help them to gain better jobs which will eventually improve their lifestyle and increase the overall economy of a nation. 

The application process can be made better using big data analysis in education by analyzing and guessing all the possible and essential factors. When analyzed better things can also be planned in a better way. 

Minimizes the Dropout Rate 

As everyone will get what they need, especially the students will be satisfied. This will eventually decrease the dropout rate of students from schools, colleges and universities. 

Sometimes even bad results discourage students, but that’s not the case once the education sector starts using big data. It is said that the analysis made with the help of big data will help both teachers and students understand problems and find out solutions without any hassle. 

There is less rate of error found after using the big data, not only that it will eventually help students to improve their overall academic performance. Hence it will improve their rank and performance which will eventually result in a deduction of the dropout rate. 

The Efficiency of Technology in Education 

In the 21st era, technology plays an important role as it provides opportunities for people to change their overall life. One without technology information can actually be a brick on the wall. Due to the use of big data in education, all the individuals involved in this sector will gain basic knowledge about it. 

Not only the teachers and students but other sectors of an educational institution like finance and administration can utilize them properly. 

This will eventually lead to bringing effectiveness, completeness and overall productivity in the overall education sector. Moreover, along with great learning, they will also get creative by predicting all the future aspects. 

Hence there are hundreds of way big data can transform the education sector, but we along with our research team has read and selected the 5 best ways. We made sure to include the most important ones so it turns out to be helpful for our readers. 

Wrapping Up: 

This is the end of our article ‘5 Amazing Ways Big Data is Transforming the Education Sector‘ We hope this article helped you learn about the importance and the way big data can bring positive impact in the education sector if used properly. 

Moreover, if you have any more points that are valuable, feel free to share it with us in the comments section below. 

Big data can actually be a precious gift in the education sector in the upcoming days if used properly. So, make sure to use the big data properly and shine out!


The best guide to outbound lead generation for 2023

Your outbound lead generation is manually targeting, finding, and acquiring leads or customers. Quite simply stated, does going to a customer your service or products, regardless of if the customer shows an interested party or otherwise? 

The methods used to create outgoing referrals include making cold calls, bulk emails, sending out direct mail, and using and showing commercials. 

Outbound and inbound lead generation

Below, we’ll look at the three main differences between outbound and inbound lead generation. 

№1. Interaction control

The key distinction is in who controls where and when all actions, i.e., sharing and consuming information or content, occur.

Inbound flow strategies enable prospective clients to select the way they engage and interact with your channel by choosing which medium of information they prefer to engage with and the right time for them. For instance, SEO, Social media marketing, etc. 

Lead generation refers to the strategy that lets you, a business, choose when prospective clients receive phone calls, emails, and see ads.

№ 2. The value of marketing assets

Exit drives have a much quicker life span than incoming drives. For instance, in Outbound Lead Generating, ageless Content can produce Leads long-term after they’ve already occurred, thereby giving you a significant long-term ROI for your marketing endeavors.

Outbound leads generated, on the one hand, are short-lived due to high-risk content and high cost. Most of the resources created are not utilized once the company’s launch of the marketing campaign is complete.

№3. Campaign Cost Profile

Lead inbound campaigns cover a wider time frame of time and lower costs. The traffic is earned, not purchased, so there’s no requirement to purchase a return on investment method.

Standard Outbound cost profile cost is high and has short timelines. High costs are due to needing management of rejection risk as well as the relatively greater expense of delivery vehicles used such as soft callers, ads, etc. Lead costs tend to remain the same but can occasionally go up. If the creatives are not up-to-date, then the content will become dull for your intended audiences. You want an SEO firm that will stand by you, will work hard, helps you develop your business, and delivers outstanding quality results.

Outbound lead generation strategies worth trying in 2023

Below, we’ve compiled five basic strategies for attracting potential customers that everyone should try.

№1. Cold emails

A Cold letter is a message you give to a prospective client who doesn’t yet have heard of or know a great deal from your company. A Cold Case Letter builds an opening to begin to build a relationship for years to come. 

An effective cold email contains the following: 

№ 2. Social Media

Using networking social networking sites to market a product or a service to prospective clients can be a great strategy. Prospective clients would be more probable of seeing a message on social networks rather find it easy to contact and communicate efficiently than open an e-mail.

№3. Syndicated content

A portion of this content that is reposted on sites apart from the original site is called syndicated Content. The aim is simply to gain new clients and increase content exposure. 

№ 4. Events

Choose from a variety of events that inform potential buyers about your product:

  • Online courses;
  • Webinars;
  • Live broadcasts; 
  • Seminars;
  • Exhibitions;
  • VIP Impressions;
  • Conferences;
  • Product Launch Parties;
  • Festivals;
  • Networking Session.

№ 5. Paid advertising

Meaning you’re purchasing ad space, commonly known as Pay-per-click ads, where a publisher is paid when the ad is pushed. Advantages included front Page Impressions, a targeting focus, big branding features, constant and instant targeted driving, and measurable traffic, and easy-to-measure analytics.

When you find that leads acquisition drives are consuming you too long, you can use managed search and retrieval (SEO) Services from a reliable SEO agency. That way, you will have more time to get to the bottom line of your core activities at the same time as having your SEO affiliate generate qualifying leads and leads for you.


What To Learn To Become A Professional Analytic

Professional analytics collect, clean, and analyze data to aid business choices. To work as an analyst, you need to analyze data effectively and draw conclusions from massive amounts of information. Opportunities abound in this field. The reason for this is the massive investment in big data by businesses of all sizes and sectors. If you’re interested in becoming a data analyst and learning more about the job and the industry, keep reading.


Required Soft Skills

People who work in this sector need to have a strong intrinsic motivation to study new things and figure out how they work. Analysts must remain abreast of industry developments even after moving up the ranks. Current and future analysts make use of analytical essay ideas, gaining inspiration and new reasons for their logical conclusions. Disclosing analytical essay topics also helps train systematic thinking. Messy information is useless to everyone. Analytics experts who want to extract value from data must have the skills to translate and display data clearly and straightforwardly.


An excellent expert in business analytics may be defined as capable of effectively conveying ideas and information. To ensure that all parties comprehend insights and can put suggestions into effect, it is essential to deliver results in a clear and straightforward way. Speaking clearly and effectively in front of an audience is a prerequisite for anybody working in analysis.


Analytics experts address issues and advance businesses by using a variety of methods. So being a problem solver by nature is also one of the requirements for a data analyst. Professionals in the field of business analytics must constantly exercise critical thinking. They’re supposed to sift through all the information and emphasize the bits that will assist in making choices. Reading books on the topic is a must.


Let’s move from soft skills to hard ones. What makes an excellent professional on a knowledge level? Read on to find out.

Gain A Foundation In Data Analytics

Learning SQL, Python, R, Spark, and Hadoop will help you crunch numbers. Tableau, Matplotlib, and ggplot2 will teach you how to create stunning visuals that bring data to life. These are the initial steps toward becoming a professional. 


How to become a data analyst? Specialized programs may be an exceptional method to pick up these foundational skills. They provide a solid grounding on all these platforms. This experience allows a student to get some hands-on practice with the following:

  • data administration
  • formulation of statistical tests
  • syntax of programming languages
  • purifying data
  • graphical representation of info.

Exercise Your Data Analytics Skills With Project Work

Learning to use fundamental resources is essential to pursue a career in the field. To be successful, data analysts need to be abreast of the most recent developments in data analysis technology. Writing a research paper, browsing through thematic websites, and reading new professional literature are habits of a pro. Develop sample projects that include all aspects of data analysis. Your work should include things from the initial company and market exploration to defining the specifics of the data to be gathered and cleaned. 


Finally, visualize the findings you’ve uncovered. Try putting them into a dashboard that will let others engage with your information. Take on various practice projects to hone your skills and showcase your knowledge of data mining across several formats.


How to get a data analyst job? One of the most crucial tasks is figuring out how you will show your expertise. Building a professional portfolio is important. A good place to start is by posting the code you’ve created to demonstrate your skills. One method to present skills and impress prospective employers is to complete a perfect data project. Select a topic that piques your interest, formulate a related query, and see if you can find an answer using data.

Reasons To Become A Professional Analytic

It’s work that fulfills you. This job is rewarding since you solve challenges and see your ideas come to fruition using a computer. With great demand comes hefty compensation. Companies have a hard time filling open positions for data analysts because of the high demand for their services. An average data analyst salary is around $52000. Also, career options may be adjusted to fit your needs. You may work from home, for a startup, an agency, or a huge corporation. There are a number of flexible settings.


It may be challenging for professionals to determine where to best direct their development efforts. Despite the dynamic nature of the sector, a thorough grounding in a few areas is essential for any professional’s success. We hope that our article and presented examples helped you discover crucial steps to a successful career as a data analyst.



Top 5 traits of a good SEO consultant in London

Every business wants to be in the top positions in the search results. You will reap enormous benefits if you can get there, you’ll get more customers and improve your bottom line almost instantly.

But this is hard, and many businesses struggle to achieve this.

You can work in house to reach this goal, or you can outsource this work to an SEO consultant in London.

But how do you know if a consultant can really get you to that top spot? Here are 5 traits to look out for to help you answer that question.

How long have they been working as an SEO?

Always ask this question. A great SEO consultant will have worked on many sites over a number of years.

Look for around 10 years minimum. This will be enough to have experienced a lot of what Google can throw at you.

Reviews, reviews, reviews

Why not check reviews of the SEO consultant you are looking to hire? Knowing that other businesses have worked with this consultant can rest your mind.

You can see what the results of those working relationships were and use this information to understand if the professional will be a good fit for your project.

A genuine passion for SEO

You really want to work with a consultant that is passionate about the industry they work in and the services they deliver.

Does the consultant you are looking to hire regularly attend conferences? Do they have a social media account where they are engaging with the SEO community?

The founder of SEOtagg in London is regularly attending these conferences and posting tips and tricks on his Twitter account. This shows the passionate site to his SEO work, and is what leads to great results for his clients.

Do they guarantee results?

Of course you can’t guarantee this. But a good SEO will tell you what you can expect and offer some kind of guarantee around this.

This could be as simple as just showing ranking growth. But it can’t hurt to ask your SEO consultant that guarantees they can give you.

Will they talk to you in person?

Another greta way of telling the truly great SEOs form the average is to have a call with the head consultant.

James says that he personally introduces himself to every potential client, ensuring transparency and ensuring that he can provide what the client needs.

These calls are often the most revealing part of the onboarding process, and they ensure that both client and consultant are on the same page for the project going forward.

There you have it, look for these traits next time you are in the market for a great SEO consultant in London.


Apple Special Event – Support For NFC Without Third Party Apps Is Huge


Hidden away in the countless announcements during the latest Apple special event was some news in relation to NFC.

Apple has already declared support for third-party application to read NFC technology. But these latest announcements offers support that is more closely aligned with iOS.

Users were previously required to launch a third party app to read NFC tags. The latest Apple NFC update means that new models will be able to read tags in the background. This allows users to simply walk up to an NFC tag, wake the screen and the device will read the tag.

This will materialise in the form of a notification on the home screen, or in the feed if the phone is unlocked. Tapping this notification will automatically take the user to the correct app for the NFC function. This provides a simpler way for those who struggled to understand how to use NFC to get the most from the technology.


What does Apple’s latest NFC update mean?

At Tamoco we’ve always taken a sensor agnostic approach when deciding which proximity sensors to support on our network. Tamoco’s long-term support for multiple proximity sensors is further validated by the announcement.

The ways that consumers interact with the physical world is always changing. By supporting multiple sensor types Tamoco provides support for clients to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds.

The latest update in the NFC provides fantastic benefits when working with Tamoco, including:


More interactivity with NFC

The most obvious benefit for those interested in consumer engagement via NFC is the potential to interact seamlessly with NFC in the real world.

In the past iOS users have been required to download a third party app to use NFC. This provides a huge barrier to interaction.

With this update, Apple has removed this obstacle and this provides brands with the opportunity to reach more people, more often with NFC campaigns.

Whilst this will only be available for Apple’s newest range of devices, this still presents a great opportunity to create a more interactive experience for consumers.


Direct access into the notification feed

Support allows the NFC tag to be read and display a notification to the user. These notification dialogues use part of the native iOS notification system. This is a great way to reach users in a trusting and powerful way.

A user gets the opportunity to tap the notification and the device will head to the right app, depending on the content type.

This means that brands can offer consumers multiple types of media and be sure that the experience is seamless on an iOS device.

This provides a powerful, direct and interactive channel in which to reach consumers with relevant content.


Better opportunity for users to connect with the physical word

The announcement shows how far the link between physical and digital has come. Apple has realised that consumers want their digital devices to connect to the real world around them.

They want this connection to be simple and quick. NFC has always provided this opportunity, but the developments mean that this connection is now available at scale.

NFC carries huge potential as it has already been adopted in the payment and travel spaces. It seems like this new announcement will have a large impact and will be pivotal in the way that users can use their devices to connect with what is around them.


About Tamoco and NFC

Tamoco is the leading sensor driven location company. We help businesses to reach consumers based on context and provide extensive support across a wide range of technology. Our aim is to provide the content to consumers in the right moment and providing the vital link between the digital and physical worlds.

To find out more about what you can do with NFC and Tamoco’s powerful network, please get in touch with one of our campaign managers.

[mkdf_button size=”” type=”” text=”Get started today” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”/contact-app” target=”_self” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

The Digital Marketing Trends To Look Out For At DMEXCO 2019

Europe’s largest digital marketing conference begins this week. Around 40,000 brand innovators, ad tech masters, digital marketers and everything in-between will convene in Cologne for DMEXCO 2019.

To get ready we will be looking at the key digital marketing trends that will define the conference. 


GDPR is still on the agenda

Whilst the 25th of May seems a long way back, It’s still difficult to avoid this topic at the moment. There’s still a large amount of the digital marketing space that is uncertain about GDPR and what it means for their business.

The industry is beginning to accept the responsibility that comes with the digitalization of the marketing space. Many companies are talking more about transparency and privacy. They have shifted to make these ideals fundamental to their company operations. 

Getting the balance right between privacy and relevant, personal marketing is the challenge. The digital marketing industry needs to win the argument on privacy. To do this it needs to explain the true value that using personal data can provide for the consumer. It must do this whilst developing a trusted relationship with customers regarding data. 

At DMEXCO 2019 expect GDPR to still be front and centre. It will still be the elephant in the room for many talks and sessions. We hope that more discussions on the topic will focus on what the industry has learned.  As well as this we want to see best practices for companies to make the most out of the legislation. 

Personalisation is still what consumers want

More and more consumers are aware that brands are using their data. After the introduction of GDPR and an increased number of data breaches they expect this data to be used to provide high value, improved and highly personal experiences. 

Consumers want a personalised experience. Brands are moving towards this but there’s still a way to go. Many consumers are still finding a majority of their brand experiences are falling short of the mark. 

At DMEXCO 2019 expect to see personalisation take centre stage. We hope to hear valuable lessons on how leaders are getting it right.

There will still be conversation around the nature of generating data for this purpose. But expect more focus to be on how to use the data more effectively. Look out for discussion on how new data types can be used to create memorable, personalised consumer experiences. 


AI and automation is now everywhere

Consumers are demanding instant responses from the brands that they interact with. The best brands are starting to engage with their customers automatically. These brands have drastically reduced the time between a customer touch point and the desired result. 

The companies that are succeeding in this space are the ones that are experimenting with AI. They are using technology to automate their response to consumers at every point of the consumer journey. 

Treating customers on a one to one basis and providing an omnichannel experience is top of many brands wish list. Some are even getting this right already with the increasing presence of AI, chatbots and other automation tools. 

Technology in this area is advancing extremely quickly. The top brands are learning how to utilize this tech to identify customer needs. It’s being used to process huge amounts of data and turn this into actionable insights. 

Expect there to be many discussions around AI, automation and it’s ability to put the customer at the centre of the brand experience. 


Data is increasingly important to achieve digital marketing goals

Many companies are using data effectively in their digital marketing. The relationship between consumer data and consumer needs is more in focus than it has been in previous years. 

The potential of data in digital marketing is huge. Brands realise this but often struggle to maximize this potential. 

To do more with data companies will need to be smarter about how they source their data and be much better at turning the data into actionable insights.

Expect many workshops and talks that look to explain how to use data effectively. Learn about new data sets and how your organization can use these to meet its goals.


These are the main digital marketing trends that will be aired at the conference. Digital marketing in 2019 seems to be focusing on how to get the right balance between privacy and providing true value for the consumer. 

For all your data and personalisation needs, speak to Tamoco. We’ll be DMEXCO and would love to hear your take on the biggest challenges facing digital marketers. 



Big Data And Big Brands – Why Data Is The New Brand

Big data brands

The modern brand faces many challenges. In today’s world consumers exist in multiple locations, across many devices and they have different expectations of what a brand should be.

The modern consumer has set the bar pretty high. Brands need to keep up with consumer’s fast-changing needs and desires.

From personalization to the user interface, the consumer has demanded that brands can adapt and communicate with each consumer on an individual level.

Information should be the heart and soul of a brand. Big data is helping to achieve these goals and create a new kind of brand.

In this way, data is becoming the new brand.

Why is big data important?

Most brands realise that data is important to the success of their business. But the brands that are really at the forefront of the digital revolution are the ones that have learned how to make the most of this data.

Placing data at the centre of business strategy is more important than ever. As the competition gets smarter, those that can find a way to utilize the data that is generated from the modern world will be the ones that succeed.


Why is data the new brand – big data applications

Big data and personalization

Data is the new personalization. The best brands know exactly what their customers want. They know when they want it. They know how they want it.

The thing is this isn’t guesswork. These brands are delivering personalization with information. Big data and personalized messaging form part of any successful brand strategy.

These brands have a method of generating data from their customers. They are effective in managing this data. And finally, they are efficient in using this data to understand customer success.


How does data inform personalization?

Big data personalization is being utilized by more and more brands. It involves using consumer-generated data to understand behaviour. The brands that are doing this best utilise multiple data sets in order to deliver engaging and personal experiences to customers.


Big data and product development

Developing products is hard. Data helps to generate product ideas by helping to illustrate how the customer actually use a brand’s product.

Brands that get product development right are using information to inform their process. They are using data in product rollouts and how new features are used to inform future product development.

These metrics can be more than just simple usage data. The explosion of different data types has provided much better insights into how customer use a product.

Powerful data mapping techniques are being used to map new datasets over existing data sources to provide even more insight to product designers. It’s not just about when and how much the customer interacts with the brand.

It’s now about looking at where and why customers use a product or interact with your brand. The top brands are using this data to inform their decision making. Extra datasets, such as location can give far more insights into how your product is being used.


Big data and business intelligence

Implementing a data strategy has had a wide-ranging positive impact outside of the marketing and product departments.

Data is helping brands to become predictive instead of reactive to consumer trends. The leading brands don’t just understand what their customers want, they can identify these earlier than ever before. All thanks to data.

In verticals such as retail, analytics data can be crucial. Becoming a digital-first brand involves using actionable data to gain a competitive advantage.

New data sets are helping brands to fill in the gaps. Especially in industries that have traditionally been slow to gather consumer data.

Business intelligence is now fuelled by data sets such as purchase data, location data and IoT data, amongst others.

The financial sector is using data sets such as location to predict the earnings and ultimately the financial success of brands. So why can’t brands use the same data to inform their strategy?

These data sets can be instrumental in helping brand management plan intelligently. Big data can help predict where to open new stores. They can help understand what consumers want and help find where these customers will be in the future. As well as this big data can be used across a brands marketing arsenal, from targeting to SEO tactics. You could even get yourself a UK SEO consultant to implement these. Even when using the big tools (such as BuzzSumo) there are many great free BuzzSumo alternatives to help with these tactics. 

Using data as a competitive advantage should be a fundamental part of any brand’s strategy.


Brands and big data examples

Many brands come to mind when you think of big data. What do all of these brands have in common? They understand the value of different datasets. They use the data effectively



Netflix has understood the benefits of data from the very beginning. A user’s viewing history is used to suggest new content in real time. It’s used to recommend new shows and it’s used to do this at the right moment.

Netflix uses data and analytics to understand what it’s users want to watch. This data is also used to predict trends and it’s used to commission new original content. This is an example of using data sets to become a predictive brand.


Hedge funds

The investment space is quick to realise the impact that data can have. This is an industry that lives and dies by its ability to predict the trends of huge amounts of people and the businesses that they interact with.

The sheer quantity of data is not all of the story. Getting the right data is more important. Hedge funds have seen some success by utilising data sets that aren’t commonly used. These are useful as they can provide insights that have previously been unattainable.

A great example of this is location data. Accurately mapping footfall and visits with location data can give a new insight into the offline world – a place where large-scale macro trends have been difficult to pin down.

Using these insights to predict financial trends can give financial companies the edge.


Conclusion – data is the new brand

As a brand you need to ask yourself – Is there a better kind of data that can help to inform your needs. You need to be sure that you can use data quickly and effectively.

Data is instrumental in the process of personalization, building great products and gaining business intelligence.

If you want to be a smart brand that can understand and predicts what the consumer wants you need data. If you want to deliver this in a personal and engaging way you need data. If this is what you aspire to then you will eventually arrive at big data. That’s why data is the new brand.